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Styling Lists.

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Presentation on theme: "Styling Lists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Styling Lists

2 Numbering Style Variations
Applied to <ol> tag Applied to class placed into <ol> tag Property: list-style-type

3 Numbering Style Variations

4 Bullet Style Variations
Applied to <ul> tag Applied to class placed into <ul> tag Property: list-style-type

5 Bullet Style Variations

6 Property: list-style-image
Problematic because of inconsistent positioning

7 Better Technique – Background-Images
These bullets are 40x40, which is almost too big – so want to keep very small!

8 Styling Nested Lists Aim at desired level by listing tags in path to it Example:

9 Using pseudo-selectors to narrow selection criteria
:first-child applied to narrow amount of child tags selected

10 Using pseudo-selectors to narrow selection criteria
:last-child applied to narrow amount of child tags selected

11 Using pseudo-selectors to narrow selection criteria
:last-child applied to narrow amount of child tags selected

12 Using pseudo-selectors to narrow selection criteria
:nth-child(whichOne) applied to narrow amount of child tags selected

13 Using pseudo-selectors to narrow selection criteria
:nth-child(even) applied to narrow amount of child tags selected to even ones

14 Using pseudo-selectors to narrow selection criteria
:nth-child(odd) applied to narrow amount of child tags selected to odd ones

15 Using pseudo-selectors to narrow selection criteria
Combine to alternate

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