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I have visited again By Alexander Pushkin.

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1 I have visited again By Alexander Pushkin

2 Brief Biography Romanticism was not lost on Pushkin. He lived the life of a Romantic hero and created characters to fulfill his wildest dreams. Pull open The Poetry Archives at where you will find sundry devils, charming water nymphs, and mangled corpses coloring the lines of Pushkin’s poetry.

3 Alexander Pushkin Background
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799 in Moscow. His first major work was the poem Ruslan and Ludmila. His political verses associated him with the Decembrist revolt, causing him to be banished. He worked on Boris Godunovand the novel in verse Eugene Onegin before Nicholas I allowed him to return to Moscow in Pushkin died at age 37 after being forced into a duel.

4 Thesis Statement

5 Theme and tones

6 Theme The theme of this poem is remembrance. This is shown when he talks about the house and what it looks like now compared to what it used to look like when he was a kid.

7 language There is regret for a time gone by, a use of landscape to express emotion:

8 Tone Examples 'Where a road, scarred by many rainfalls, climbs The hill, three pine trees stand—one by itself,'

9 Analyze In just two lines he tells of time without mentioning time itself. There are three pines - two are of his parents? But one stands alone - Pushkin? The whole theme of the poem is one of knowing that all things pass and can never be the same again no matter how many times we revisit the past we can never change it.

10 Figurative Language And Poetic Devices

11 Figurative Language This poem has similes and personification:

12 Similes “Was barren, naked, a thicket of young pines has sprouted; like green children round the shadows of the two neighboring pines…” “… but in the distance Their solitary comrade stands, morose, like some old bachelor, and round its roots…”

13 Personification “… the friendly rustling murmur if their crowns would welcome me…”

14 Poem Interpretation

15 Poem say, Poem mean? The speaker feels like the place he is visiting has had a profound impact on who he is. He explains: "now that I am here again, the past/Has flown out eagerly to embrace me, claim me."

16 Behind the poem The poem " I have Visited Again" focuses on Alexander Pushkins' memories of home after he was exiled. In the poem he talks about the scenery, sights , sounds that he enjoyed while he was home.

17 Cite Example “Here are the wooded slopes where often I Sat motionless, and looked down at the lake, Recalling other shores and other waves . . .” “When I rode On horseback past them in the moonlit night, 30 The friendly rustling murmur of their crowns Would welcome me.”

18 Conclusion

19 Restate Thesis A man is remembering his grandfather’s house, from when he was young. His grandfather had a beautiful rose garden, pool and a big front yard. As an adult he went back to see the house again. The man imagined the house differently than what it looked like. The man brings his son at the end of the poem to see the house he grew up in.

20 Mood, theme, and more… The attitude is happy and hopeful, and The poetic structure of I Have Visited Again by Alexander Pushkin is freeform. After a long time Alexander, went back to his old birth place, When he got there he felt strange and unwelcome.

21 Works Cited

22 MLA Guidelines


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