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Sarah Bishop and Mary Ward EDMC 3500 WebQuest 4 December 2012

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1 Sarah Bishop and Mary Ward EDMC 3500 WebQuest 4 December 2012
Ohio Transportation Sarah Bishop and Mary Ward EDMC 3500 WebQuest 4 December 2012

2 Introduction What would you think if there was a new highway going in right next to our town? Whose land would they take? Why is it needed? As a local news reporter you have taken an interest in the transportation boards suggestion to put a new highway in right outside our city. You want to make sure that people in the area know about the possibility of a new highway and what it would be adding or taking away from our area so you have decided to make a pamphlet to inform your neighbors.

3 Task As a reporter you will be making an informative pamphlet to tell your fellow Lancastrians about the possibility of a new highway. You will need to explain what is happening, the positives of the new highway, the negatives of the new highway, and your personal opinion for or against the highway. The grade scale is broken down in the rubric handout that was given to you already. The provided websites will give information about positives and negatives of new roads as well as historical positives and negatives of new transportation ways (roads, canals, etc.).

4 Process You will use teacher- provided paper, markers, etc. to construct your transportation pamphlet. Choose your supplies and fold the paper in thirds like the samples and begin to fill it out. You should have the front fold for the cover page. The first inside flap to describe the highway. One inside flap for positives of the new road. One inside flap for the negatives of the new road. The last inside flap should be for your opinion on the new highway. If you support the road, tell why the positives outweigh the negatives. If you do not support the road, tell why the negatives outweigh the positives.

5 Process When forming your own opinion and building your pamphlet, it is important to do research in order to find factual information about transportation. The links provided to you on this WebQuest are helpful resources to use when making your transportation pamphlet. When creating your pamphlet, be sure to include enough pros and cons to help you form your own opinion. The provided websites have been divided according to benefits (pros) and negative effects (cons). Be sure to visit at least each website listed.

6 Process The following websites provide information on the benefits (pros) of creating new roadways: ( Preserving historic American roadways) ( Why new roads should be built) These websites provide information about the negative (cons) aspects of creating new roadways: ( Facts about transportation costs) ( How roads hurt wildlife) This website provides information about pros and cons of additional transportation: ( Pros and cons on the environment)

7 Process When researching the pros and cons of possibly building a new highway in the Lancaster area as well as formulating your own opinion, it is may be helpful to think about how past modes of transportation have effected the landscape and the society. The links below provide information about Ohio canals. Information on the Ohio-Erie Canal and Miami-Erie Canal can be found at the following website: There are specific locations in Ohio that contain canal fragments today. The following website includes information about those specific cities: For a longer list of Ohio canals, including an Ohio map with facts about each canal, visit the following website:

8 Evaluation You will receive an assignment rubric to use when constructing your transportation pamphlet. You will be evaluated in the following areas: Grammar/Spelling Organization Information Visuals Opinion Specific assignment requirements for this 20 point activity can be found on the rubric which has been given to you and is shown on the next slide of this WebQuest. This is an individual assignment, so you will be the sole earner of your grade.

9 Evaluation- Rubric Outstanding (4 points) Good (3 points) Satisfactory
Needs Improvement (1 point) Opinion Opinion is supported by 4 or more facts. Opinion is supported by 3 facts. Opinion is supported by 2 facts. Opinion is supported by 1 fact. Information Includes 4 factual pros and 4 factual cons. Provides 3 factual pros and 3 factual cons. Provides 2 factual pro and 2 factual con. Provides 1 factual pro and 1 factual con. Grammar and Spelling Almost all words are spelled correctly and are grammatically accurate. All but a few words are spelled incorrectly and/or are grammatically inaccurate. Multiple words are spelled incorrectly and/or are grammatically inaccurate. Many words are spelled incorrectly and/or are grammatically inaccurate. Visual Pamphlet includes at least 4 drawings or symbols. Pamphlet includes at least 3 drawings or symbols. Pamphlet includes at least 2 drawings or symbols. Pamphlet includes 1 drawing or symbol. Organization All 4 sections of the pamphlet are organized according to topic. 3 of the pamphlet sections are organized according to topic. 2 of the pamphlet sections are organized according to topic. 1 of the pamphlet sections is organized according to topic.

10 Conclusion Through this individual activity, you have learned all about Ohio transportation methods and how they influence the movement of people, products, and ideas both positively and negatively. You now know that roadways as well as waterways have and still do effect many areas of life such as food production, transportation of products, and where people live. Questions to Consider: In what ways do transportation systems effect other areas of life, such as food production? How would our community possibly be effected if a new highway was really being built in the Lancaster area?

11 Teacher Page The teacher page (see Weebly ) includes information to help other teachers implement this Social Studies WebQuest, including information on the following: an introduction, target learners, standards according to the Ohio Academic Standards for 4th grade Social Studies education, thoroughly defined processes, evaluation, student resources, and references.

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