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Cycles of Nature Pollution & The Everglades

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1 Cycles of Nature Pollution & The Everglades

2 Cycles of Nature The water cycle- the continuous movement of water above, on, and below the earth’s surface. It relates to the way evaporation, condensation, and precipitation recycles water. Carbon cycle- relates to the way carbon dioxide and oxygen are recycled through our planet. Nitrogen cycle- relates to how animal waste and remains are used as a natural fertilizer for the ecosystem.


pollution that comes from a single or easily traced point (such as a pipe). NON POINT SOURCE POLLUTION: pollution that comes from many places rather than a single point. It comes from places like yards, parks, farms, streets, and storm sewers and reaches bodies of water via runoff.

5 RECYCLING The process of reclaiming raw materials and using them to create new products.

6 Land Use In some areas, foresters plant one tree for every tree they cut, this is called a sustainable approach to a renewable resource. Habitat destruction is one of the leading causes of extinction today.

7 Water treatment Treatment: Treatment techniques remove soil and dirt, bacteria, viruses, and parasites, and chemical impurities. The steps include coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. Coagulation and Flocculation: Gentle mixing of the water and treatment chemicals causes the impurities and particles to form larger particles. Chemicals commonly used for this process include aluminum sulfate (alum), ferric chloride, and synthetic polymers. Sedimentation: The particles that are formed through coagulation and flocculation become increasingly larger and eventually settle out of the water in large sedimentation basins. Filtration: After sedimentation, the clarified water is passed through filters to remove particles of dirt, algae, and harmful bacteria and parasites. Filters can be made from sand, gravel, coal, or granular activated carbon. Disinfection: Disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites are destroyed by disinfection. Chlorine and chlorine containing compounds are typically used for disinfection purposes. New disinfection technologies may also use ultraviolet light and ozone. Solids Removal: Solids that settle out of the water are removed to drying lagoons or sludge presses for dewatering.


9 Water Conservation Water conservation refers to reducing the usage of water and recycling of waste water for different purposes such as cleaning, manufacturing, and agricultural irrigation. There are many ways in which water can be conserved, a common way in which water is conserved in agriculture is through drip irrigation. Drip irrigation, is an irrigation method which saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants

10 The Florida Everglades
The Everglades are subtropical wetlands in the southern portion of the U.S. state of Florida. The everglades were formed starting in Orlando and run all the way down to the Florida Keys.

11 Endangered species Threatened wildlife includes species, subspecies, or isolated populations that are likely to become endangered in the near future unless steps are taken to protect and manage the species and/or its habitat for its survival. Each species must be listed on the Federal list of endangered and threatened species before it can receive protection under the Endangered Species Act. The ESA was enacted in 1973 to conserve and set up recovery plans for listed species and associated habitats. In the everglades, species that are endangered include: The Florida panther Manatee Green sea turtles Roseate spoonbill

12 Although there is much effort to save and restore the everglades, the three greatest threats include: Agriculture Development Introduction of exotic species

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