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Dictators Turn to Totalitarianism

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1 Dictators Turn to Totalitarianism
TEKS: 2B, 2C, 7A, 29H Dictators Turn to Totalitarianism

2 Totalitarianism More extreme than just a dictator Secret police
Ultimate control Uses terror and spies amongst citizens No rights, no political rivals, no alternative ideology Govt. controls radio and propaganda

3 Joseph Stalin – Soviet Union
Post Lenin Collective farms 10 million deaths Great Terror Purge of traitors in Communist party (killed or labor camps) “There are no bad collective farms under communism, there are only bad managers.”

4 Benito Mussolini - Italy
Fascist Party 1919 National pride Black Shirts Anti socialist, anti communist Italian King Emmanuel III March on Rome 1922 Weak, let BM become Prime Minister Mussolini aka I’l Duce Took over everything

5 How did Stalin and Mussolini compare with one another?

6 Adolf Hitler - Germany Failed at art WWI veteran
Leader of National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party) 1921 Rebelled Mein Kampf in jail Problems with Germany Against communist and Jewish Lebensraum 1933 Chancellor of Germany Economic policies recovered Germany Der Fuhrer

7 Militarists Gain Control of Japan
Great Depression → Military takeover Wanted expansion throughout Asia Natural resources and markets Manchuria Rape of Nanjing No dictator Dictatorship-like military

8 Appeasement Granting potential enemy’s wishes to avoid conflict
France, Britain & U.S. Wanted to avoid second World War Soviets seen as real threat Didn’t work more power to dictators Led to Anschluss (Austria added to Hitler’s Reich)

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