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FASCISM World Studies January 5.

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1 FASCISM World Studies January 5

2 I. Italy Italians were very upset about the Treaty of Versailles
Didn’t get their land Dissatisfaction prevailed The poor attempted to stage a revolution like Russia, but failed Both unemployment and taxes rose, the government was blamed

3 II. Benito Mussolini Organized WWI veterans and other unhappy Italians into a new political party – the Fascists Fascism – belief that the state is more important than the individual; extreme nationalism combined with violence, discipline and loyalty Mussolini promises to revive the glory of Rome


5 Mussolini organized his supporters into squads called the “Black Shirts”
Used force and fear to end any moves toward socialism or democracy Forced out local governments Led march on the capital King Victor Emmanuel III made Mussolini prime minister to prevent civil war Most Italians didn’t object; just happy to see some one doing something

6 III. Mussolini’s Italy Mussolini took more and more power for himself
Changes his title to Il Duce (the leader) Maintained a capitalist society, but under strict government regulation Wages were kept low and workers were forbidden to strike to increase production

7 IV. Fascism vs. Communism
Similarities: Both did well economically because of rigid government control Both had totalitarian governments (one party dictatorship) that used secret police and censorship to increase control Both demand complete obedience to the state

8 Differences: Fascism appeals to businesses/wealthy, while communism appeals to poor workers Fascism does not attempt to create economic equality/meet the needs of all Fascists are nationalistic, while communists wanted international change

9 V. Why? People supported Mussolini and Fascism because he promised to fix their problems and bring glory to Italy Gave up individual freedoms for order and progress

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