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Team building & Team work

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1 Team building & Team work
S.Borua B. Lalrosiami Khuhly



4 TEAM “A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and a common approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable ” A team’s performance includes both individual results and what we call ‘collective work-products’ A ‘collective work-products’ is what two or more members must work on together …it reflects the joint, real contribution of team members. A group of people who share a common name, mission, history, set of goals or objectives and expectations

5 A team: is a group of individuals who cooperate and work together to achieve a given set of objectives or goals (Horodyski, 1995).

6 Teamwork: is close cooperation between cross-trained employees who are familiar with a wide range of jobs in their organization

7 Team-building: is high interaction among group members to increase trust and openness

8 The need for team building
The symptoms that signal a need for team building are: Decreased productivity Negative reactions to the manager or conflicts and hostility between staff members Confusion about assignments, missed signals and unclear relationships Decisions misunderstood or not carried out through properly Contd..

9 The need for team building
Apathy and lack of involvement, initiation, imagination, and innovation Complaints of discrimination or favoritism Ineffective staff meetings, low participation, minimally effective decisions Complaints about quality service

10 Reasons for team building
Improving communication Making the workplace more enjoyable Motivating a team or improve team productivity Getting everyone "onto the same page", including goal setting Teaching the team self-regulation strategies Helping participants to learn (more about) themselves Identifying and utilizing the strengths of team members Practicing effective collaboration with team members

11 Group Vs Team TEAM GROUP Shared leadership roles.
Individual and mutual accountability. Specific team purpose that the team delivers. Collective work products. Encourages open-ended discussions, active problem solving meetings. Measures its effectiveness direct by collective work products. Discusses, decides, & does real work together. GROUP Strong, clearly focused. Individual accountability. The group’s purpose is the same as the broader organizational mission. Individual work products. Runs efficient meetings. Measures performance indirectly by its influence on others. Discusses, decides, and delegates.

12 Group Vs Team (contd…) TEAM GROUP Shared leadership roles.
Individual and mutual accountability. Specific team purpose that the team delivers. Collective work products. Encourages open-ended discussions, active problem solving meetings. Measures its effectiveness direct by collective work products. Discusses, decides, & does real work together. GROUP Strong, clearly focused. Individual accountability. The group’s purpose is the same as the broader organizational mission. Individual work products. Runs efficient meetings. Measures performance indirectly by its influence on others. Discusses, decides, and delegates.

13 The ingredients of team building
Selection of participants Establishing visions, goals, missions and/or objectives Distribution of workload Timetabling Balancing skill-set Metrics Harmonizing personality types Training on how to work together

14 Skills needed for teamwork
Listening Questioning Persuading Respecting Helping Sharing Participating Listening – it is important to listen to other people's ideas. When people are allowed to freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce other ideas Questioning – it is important to ask questions, interact and discuss the objectives of the team Persuading – individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and ultimately to rethink their ideas Respecting – it is important to treat others with respect and to support their ideas Helping – it is crucial to help one's co-workers Sharing – it is important to share with the team to create a team environment Participating – all members of the team must participate in it

15 Non assumptive questions
Building a team Vision Commitment Trust Inclusion Non assumptive questions Listening Direct response

16 Key Characteristics of Teams
A common goal and approach Mutual accountability Trust and collaboration Shared leadership Synergy

17 Team Effectiveness Criteria
Team goals and objectives Participation Feedback Leadership Problem solving and decision making Trust and Conflict Team member resources

18 Team Effectiveness Criteria(contd…)
Risk taking and creativity Interpersonal communication Experimentation and creativity Self evaluation Roles, responsibility and authority Control and procedures

19 A Focused Team Team resources are focused and members are all working to accomplish the same purpose, this makes teamwork very rewarding and productive. Team members use a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach to accomplish their purpose

20 A Focused Team (contd…)
The proactive approach characteristics: The team members take a very positive approach in jointly determining the way they are going to work together as a team and what they want to have happen. Goals are aligned with the team purpose, and team members are empowered to accomplish the goals. This process leads to a high level of team productivity.

21 A Focused Team (contd…)
Team members have a positive attitude toward change and are willing to accept and allow change to occur as needed in order to accomplish desired results. Team members understand that patience is required, and that for some goals, a long-term commitment is needed to accomplish the desired results. Interests of both the team leader and team members are focused on desired results rather than on short culture-term problem-solving activities.

22 A Focused Team (contd…)
The members have a strong feeling of control within the team. They are able to establish priorities and then commit time and resources for accomplishing these tasks. Team members verbally and publicly support each other. They recognize that negative comments about others tear the team down.

23 Effective Teams "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success," Henry Ford

24 Building Effective Teams
Building cohesion Building maturity Building composition Handling diversity Developing trust Aimed at improving the internal work and relationship processes of teams, team building requires attention to both task and interpersonal relationships. Helping a group become more mature and cohesive is the first step toward team success. Therefore, managers must select members carefully and give them opportunities for interaction and competition with outside groups. Also, managers must give members sufficient time to develop into a mature group. Another factor is the composition of the team. Members of effective teams have expertise in various areas relevant to task accomplishment. Teams that face diverse, complex tasks should maintain flexible, fluid membership. A shamrock team consists of a small, core group of permanent members, part-time members, and outside subcontractors or consultants. One of the major challenges for teams in heterogeneous cultures is handling diversity. The following steps can help: preserving and rewarding individual contributions, encouraging and managing positive and constructive conflict, and focusing on results in both the short-term and the long-term. Developing trust is essential for a team to accept a common goal, mutual accountability, and collaboration. The following six factors are essential to developing trust: open communication, integrity, mutual respect and support, fairness and equity, competence and hard work, and reward for cooperation and teamwork. These six factors are interdependent and take time to develop. 7

25 Building Effective Teams (contd…)
Setting clear goals Selecting team members Providing leadership Providing training Rewarding the team Unless the team sets goals that are clear, well-developed, and accepted, goal commitment and achievement are unlikely. In some cases, managers set the goals, allowing for team input and participation. In self-managed teams, while managers provide vision and direction, the team sets its own goals. Selecting team members who complement one another is critical to building effective teams. Belbin identifies eight team roles: coordinator, shaper, planter, monitor-evaluator, implementor, resource investigator, team worker, and finisher. This team roles approach suggests that each member plays a different role and that the combination of these roles fosters synergy. Team leaders must facilitate, not control and direct. They help define goals, provide assistance and support, remove internal and organizational obstacles, and contribute to the team. The process of leading people to lead themselves--superleadership--includes personal goal setting, observation and self-evaluation, and self-reinforcement. Organizations that implement teams provide training that goes beyond the technical skills needed to accomplish a particular task. Such training focuses on team processes and interpersonal skills. An obstacle to successful team performance is rewarding teams in cultures that tend to reward only individual performance. Team-based incentives can work by rewarding teams immediately with bonuses and deferred rewards if their work shows long-term benefits to the company. 8

26 Advantages Of A Team Team processes offer the following benefits to the organization: Individuals can gain the following benefits from teams: Synergistic process design or problem solving. Objective analysis of problems or opportunities. Promotion of cross-functional understanding. Improved quality and productivity. Greater innovation. Reduced operating costs. Increased commitment to organizational mission. More flexible response to change. Increased ownership and stewardship. Reduced turnover and absenteeism. Enhanced problem-solving skills. Increased knowledge of interpersonal dynamics. Broader knowledge of business processes. New skills for future leadership roles. Increased quality of work life. Feelings of satisfaction and commitment. A sense of being part of something greater than what one could accomplish alone.

27 Characteristics Of Good Team Building
High level of interdependence among team members Team leader has good people skills and is committed to team approach Each team member is willing to contribute Team develops a relaxed climate for communication Team members develop a mutual trust Team and individuals are prepared to take risks

28 Characteristics Of Good Team Building (contd…)
Team is clear about goals and establishes targets Team member roles are defined Team members know how to examine team and individual errors without personal attacks Team has capacity to create new ideas Each team member knows he can influence the team agenda

Clear expectations Context Commitment Competence Charter Control Collaboration Communication Creative Innovation Consequences Coordination Cultural Change

30 Thank you…

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