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PURE Spring 2015 Mentees: Shreya Rao, Jing Huang Mentor: Vera Liao

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1 Supporting Comparative Medical Decisions with an Online Drug Review Aggregator
PURE Spring 2015 Mentees: Shreya Rao, Jing Huang Mentor: Vera Liao Problems: Confirmation bias prevents users from seeking diverse opinions The potential harm of overweighting comments from a small number of individuals on the medical websites Solutions:  Nudge: Design a choice architecture that shapes people’s behaviors without forcing  Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM): people can be "nudged" by either content information or heuristic stimuli, depending on motivations and capabilities. Motivation High Low Ability Rely on Content Arguments Rely on Heuristics Transition How do we determine which category each user fits into? Seriousness of the disease Initial data in the user profile that indicates age, medical experience, and length of disease Data on how often the user uses the site Evaluations based on different aspects Highlights of good points, or other argument quality related features Expertise indicators Background: occupation, demographic, similarity to user, daily activity

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