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Presentation on theme: "MACROECONOMICS AND THE GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT"— Presentation transcript:

4/27/2019 MACROECONOMICS AND THE GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 2nd edition Endogenous Growth and Convergence PowerPoint by Beth Ingram University of Iowa Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Key Concepts Endogenous growth Conditional convergence Poverty traps
Steady state determinants

3 Sources of growth Exogenous growth (Solow model) Endogenous growth
Capital produces growth until economy reaches steady state Continuous growth arises from technological progress Technological progress is exogenous to model Endogenous growth Provide explanation internal to the model

4 Constant MPK Output Capital Stock Output = AK K: Capital Y: Output
A: Parameter s: Investment Rate Output Investment = sY Depreciation Capital Stock

5 Constant MPK Output Capital Stock Output = AKLb Investment = sY
Depreciation K0 K1 Capital Stock

6 Does constant MPK make sense?
Interaction between physical and human capital Suppose increase in K induces increase in human capital? Consider IT investment and education This represents a spillover effect

7 In equation form Output = A x (Human capital)b x Ka x Lc
Output = A x (DxK)b x Ka x Lc Output = A x (D)b x Ka+b x Lc

8 Social versus Private Return
Output = A x (DxK)b x Ka x Lc Private Return measured by this term

9 Social versus Private Return
Output = A x (DxK)b x Ka x Lc Extra return due to spillover effect

10 Case: a + b < 1 Marginal product of capital Cost of Capital, r/p
Social MPK Private MPK KP KS Capital Stock

11 Effect of subsidy Private MPK Social MPK Marginal product of capital
Cost of Capital Cost of Capital with subsidy KP KS Capital Stock

12 Poverty Traps Increasing MPK MPK Marginal product of capital
Cost of Capital, r/p K0 Capital Stock MPK is less than cost of capital, so capital decreases to zero

13 Poverty Traps Increasing MPK MPK Marginal product of capital
Cost of Capital, r/p K0 Capital Stock MPK is higher than cost of capital, so capital increases continuously

14 Why increasing MPK? Agglomeration Interdependencies in inputs
Spillovers Increasing MPK leads to income divergence between sectors (states, countries, etc.)

15 Just the facts, Ma’am What does the data say about convergence?
What does convergence mean empirically? Levels of income should coincide in the long run Low income countries grow faster than high income countries Higher MPK for low income countries

16 Growth and per capita GDP
Annual Growth rate, Real GDP per capita 1980, USD Source: Penn World Table

17 Top 10 in Real GDP per capita, 1980
Ireland Annual Growth rate, USA Switzerland Argentina Real GDP per capita 1980, USD

18 Conditional Convergence
Little evidence of convergence across all countries Some evidence of convergence for select, similar countries Countries may have different steady states

19 Two Steady States Output Depreciation Real GDP Investment (30% of GDP)
SS 1 SS 2 Capital Stock

20 What determines the steady state?
Level of investment and savings Accumulation of human capital (education) Government policies Economic environment (e.g., corruption, property rights, crime)

21 Empirical Evidence Data supports conditional convergence
Investment, education, health have positive effects on growth Effects of other variables are harder to discern in available data

22 Determinants of steady state for selected countries, 2001 Table 6.2

23 4/27/2019 Why is Africa so poor? Africa Focus is a site with lots of info on Africa, including country studies.

24 Possible explanations
Ethnic/linguistic diversity Climate and disease Colonial influence The impact of aid

25 Summary Constant MPK Increasing MPK (spillovers and interactions)
Poverty traps Factors affecting steady state The example of Africa Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained therein.


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