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Preparing for Our Future

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Our Future"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Our Future
January 18, 2019

2 Mobility and Accessibility

3 Preparing for Our Future
Transportation Planning Initiatives Comprehensive Transportation Plan Connect Gwinnett: Transit Plan Other Gwinnett’s contract with MARTA

4 Mobility and Accessibility
Comprehensive Transportation Plan – Completed 2017 Traffic Management System Master Plan – Completed 2017 Countywide Trails Master Plan – Completed 2018 Comprehensive Transit Development Plan – Completed 2018 Truck Parking Study – Underway I-85 Corridor Study – Underway Airport Master Plan – Proposed for 2019

5 Public Feedback on Priorities
Citizen Priority Rankings

6 Transit Recommendation
Note: Based on ARC data. Woods & Poole data shows 1.5 million by 2040.

7 Needs Assessment

8 Live and Work Locations

9 Final Public Outreach

10 Final Public Outreach

11 Proposed Transit System
Includes: HRT in South I-85 area with new multimodal hub 3 BRT routes 8 Rapid corridors 9 Express routes 11 Park-and-Ride lots 3 Direct Connect routes to new multimodal hub 12 Local routes 6 Flex Service areas Extended evening and new Sunday service on all routes

12 Existing Gwinnett Transit Service
Includes: 5 Express routes 3 Park-and-Ride lots 6 Local routes

13 HB 930 Special Gwinnett Provisions
Section in HB 930 known as the “Gwinnett language” Revision to MARTA legislation that sets special provisions for Gwinnett Addresses control of revenues, expenditures, debt, and projects Three MARTA Board seats for Gwinnett

14 Gwinnett Contract Builds on revisions to MARTA Act made by the “Gwinnett language” in HB 930 Addresses concerns expressed by Gwinnett voters Outlines control of funds, selection of projects, service standards, and more

15 Gwinnett Contract: Sales Tax
Transit sales tax proceeds = Gwinnett funds and must be used for benefit of Gwinnett Gwinnett receives sales tax from State and pays MARTA per contract Funds not required for current obligations held by Gwinnett for future projects and services

16 Gwinnett Contract: Use of $’s
Operations of current system Fair share of O&M and State of Good Repair for overall MARTA system Much expanded bus system For first six years, Gwinnett will pay MARTA 29.0% of monthly sales tax collections to cover above items, with true up at end of period

17 Gwinnett Contract: Use of $’s
Debt service for debt issued for Gwinnett projects Purchase of higher level of services and facilities Construction and operation of projects within Gwinnett’s transit plan Professional services and reimbursement for ROW/land

18 Gwinnett Contract: Projects
Source of projects = adopted Gwinnett Transit Plan Agreement for proactive updates to Plan Gwinnett capital projects approved by Gwinnett before proceeding Design review and value engineering on major capital projects

19 Gwinnett Contract: Other
Three Gwinnett seats on MARTA Board Joint development of standards for services and facilities Cooperation on public safety Gwinnett’s right to audit

20 Referendum Tuesday March 19, 2019
Preserves ability to move forward without extra steps related to ATL

21 Referendum: Ballot Question
Gwinnett County has executed a contract for the provision of transit services, dated as of August 2, Shall this contract be approved? YES __________ NO ____

22 Referendum: Voting Options
Advance-in-Person Voting Will begin on Monday, February 25 Schedule to be adopted by Gwinnett Board of Elections at its meeting on January 15 Absentee ballots Election day at assigned precinct from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm

23 Questions

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