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Who am I?. Information Security and You: Identity Theft and Credit Card Encryption.

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I?. Information Security and You: Identity Theft and Credit Card Encryption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Security and You: Identity Theft and Credit Card Encryption

2 Who am I?

3 The Big Ideas Survey Results Identity Theft and You Gaming Hacked
Credit Card and Online/Mobile Payment Encryption

4 Survey Results

5 Survey Results

6 Identity Theft and You What happens when your identity is stolen?

7 Identity Theft and You Why should you care?
Because you are the most vulnerable!

8 Identity Theft and You Adam Brackin 14 years old
Social Security Number compromised Axton Betz 13 years old Unable to apply for college, car loans, or apartments for almost two decades

9 Identity Theft and You Social Security Number

10 Identity Theft and You How can criminal hackers get ahold of your information? Lack of multiple strong passwords Sharing too much on social media Use various forms of social engineering to trick YOU into revealing YOUR INFO to them

11 Identity Theft and You What kinds of malware are there?

12 Identity Theft and You What kinds of social engineering are there?

13 Identity Theft and You Your turn!
If you were an identity thief, how could you try to steal my personal information in public?

14 Gaming Hacked Sony’s PlayStation Network Data Breach

15 Gaming Hacked Minecraft Data Breach

16 How to Protect Your Account
Your turn! Use long and complex passwords Use two-factor authentication Keep your accounts extra safe with your or phone number Do not share your usernames or passwords Do not use public wi-fi

17 Credit Card and Online/Mobile Payment Encryption

18 Credit Card and Online/Mobile Payment Encryption
Overall Online Payment System How do credit cards work? A magnetic strip on the back of the credit card containing the information on the face of the card is swiped and read by the PoS system EMV Credit Cards Payment Gateway Payment Processor Payment Provider Payment System Merchant Account

19 Credit Card and Online/Mobile Payment Encryption
Target and Neiman Marcus 19

20 Credit Card and Online/Mobile Payment Encryption
Credit Card Encryption Demonstration What is encryption?

21 Credit Card and Online/Mobile Payment Encryption
Credit Card Encryption Demonstration What is tokenization?

22 Summary What can YOU do to help protect your identity and data online?
Knowledge is power! Keep your computer up-to- date! Use strong passwords 22

23 Any questions?

24 Resources hundreds-login-details-pocket-expert-warns.html fraud/ / personal-i.html alleged-failed-extortion-attempt.html

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