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Introducing EPA, THE European Parents Association Johannes Theiner EPA-President ECML meeting Graz, January 5 th, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing EPA, THE European Parents Association Johannes Theiner EPA-President ECML meeting Graz, January 5 th, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing EPA, THE European Parents Association Johannes Theiner EPA-President ECML meeting Graz, January 5 th, 2010

2 EPA - THE European Parents Association founded in Milan in 1985 – 25 th anniversary almost 50 member associations/24 countries from Iceland to Cyprus, from Malta to Norway Monopole status at the European Commission as stakeholder organisation of parents representing 150 Millions of European citizens involved in Civil Societey/Active European Citizenship … most concerned about parents in education Introduction

3 Core paradigm of EPA: Parents are the primary educators of their children! first best … at least they have the potential Parents rights are nested and positively linked to the childs right! Parents need to participate in public education to be informed, asked, involved Parents need encouragement and support. Core interest: establish Parental Participation (УЧЕШЋЕ РОДИТЕ Љ А) Introduction

4 RESPONSIBILITY EDUCATION – a Complex Process Competences knowledge attitude skills + self esteem teachinglearning ? Complex process of interaction Change and development of educator and educated LifeLong Learning

5 EPA Structure WORK PLAN BUDGET REPORTS etc. WORK PLAN BUDGET REPORTS etc. GENERAL ASSEMBLY twice a year one vote per full member, no vote for associate and affiliate members GENERAL ASSEMBLY twice a year one vote per full member, no vote for associate and affiliate members 2 AUDITORS PRESIDENT approving electing EUROPEAN PARTNERS EU Commission EU Institutions Associations Platforms EUROPEAN PARTNERS EU Commission EU Institutions Associations Platforms representing FULL MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATE MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS AFFILIATE MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS delegating REGIONAL NETWORK ACTIVITIES NATIONAL or LOCAL ACTIVITIES taking part BOARD six members among them Vice-president Treasurer Secretary BOARD six members among them Vice-president Treasurer Secretary triggering advising supporting co-organising co-financing etc. triggering advising supporting co-organising co-financing etc. discussing - presenting - informing

6 EPA Organigram GENERAL ASSEMBLY twice a year one vote per full member, no vote for associate and affiliate members GENERAL ASSEMBLY twice a year one vote per full member, no vote for associate and affiliate members approving electing FULL MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATE MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS AFFILIATE MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS delegating REGIONAL NETWORK ACTIVITIES NATIONAL or LOCAL ACTIVITIES taking part discussing - presenting - informing

7 Networking communicating and facilitating members communication Two annual Conferences at General Assemblies One or more additional conferences/events e.g. 2010: –Forum for Parents: about Education in Luxembourg –Conference Deciding for Best Education in Essen –Conference Challenge Migration Vienna – Bratislava EPA activities

8 Representation Taking part in EU consultations Member in EUCIS-LLL Member of WGs of the Council of Europe Partner of piccolingo Co-operations with –European School Psychologists –European History Educators (EUROCLIO) –European Associations of School Partners –PASS (Latvia) just starting tomorrow … –…–… EPA activities

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