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Realizing effective health technology assessment for the SA healthcare environment Praneet Valodia The BHF Southern African Conference 22-25 July’07.

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Presentation on theme: "Realizing effective health technology assessment for the SA healthcare environment Praneet Valodia The BHF Southern African Conference 22-25 July’07."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realizing effective health technology assessment for the SA healthcare environment Praneet Valodia
The BHF Southern African Conference July’07 Sun City

2 FOCUS Pharmaco-economic analyses – principles Regulatory aspects
HTA guidelines Implementing a strategy for SA ISPOR The BHF Southern African Conference July’07 Sun City

3 HTA DEFINITION It is a process that examines the available evidence to form a conclusion as to the merits or role of a particular technology in relation to its possible use and reimbursement in current medical practice. Results of clinical trials, expert opinion, theoretical and ethical concepts, cost benefit and / or cost-effectiveness analyses, and personal value judgments, all enter into the final decision regarding whether or not the technology should be viewed as investigational, state-of- the-art, or standard therapy. ISPOR, 2007 The BHF Southern African Conference July’07 Sun City

4 HTA DEFINITION It is a form of policy research that examines short- and long-term consequences of the application of a health care technology. ISPOR – BOOK OF TERMS The BHF Southern African Conference July’07 Sun City

5 BACKGROUND Much emphasis on HTA recently Launch of ISPOR SA
Pharmaco-economics guidelines – DOH Introduction of biologicals The BHF Southern African Conference July’07 Sun City

medical devices, prostheses, surgicals, etc. Allocation of scare resources Quantify the value add Translate value into price The BHF Southern African Conference July’07 Sun City

7 DEBATE Are guidelines for HTA necessary? Why?
What is the relationship between HTA currently been done and the DOH’s involvement. Should the guidelines include non-pharmaceuticals? Should price of non-pharmaceuticals be regulated? The BHF Southern African Conference July’07 Sun City

8 Are high cost pharmaceuticals producing value for money?
Who should be involved in decision making? Do we have sufficient expertise in SA? Will HTA assist with access and quality of care? The BHF Southern African Conference July’07 Sun City

9 STATUS IN SA Few pharmaco-economic submissions
Lack of comprehensive data for pharmaco-economic analyses Inappropriate application of pharmacoeconomics Drugs often fail re-imbursement – EBM. The BHF Southern African Conference July’07 Sun City

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