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Believer, but a follower hmm…???

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Presentation on theme: "Believer, but a follower hmm…???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Believer, but a follower hmm…???
LPBC 5th Aug 2018

2 Name that tune….? Making your mind up

3 Jesus and the responses He receives
Peter Judas Gamaliel Simon John 20 v 1-10 John 21 v 15-17 Luke 24 v 34 Acts 8 v 9,12 & 13 Acts 8 v 19-24 Luke 22 v 1-6 Luke 22 v 47-48 Matthew 27 v 1-5 Acts 5 v 29-40

4 A snapshot Name Relationship with Jesus In his heart Pivotal moment
Response Eternal life? Peter Yes Belief and worship You are the Christ. Simon, I have prayed for you. You know that I love you. Wholehearted commitment Judas Recognised sin, remorseful but unrepentant Satan entered Judas. He consented. Acknowledged guilt but refused to turn to Christ No Gamaliel Knew the scriptures inside out. Unbelief You will be fighting God. Stood on the sidelines, knowing but refusing to humble himself Simon Remorse but unrepentant Captive to sin. Pray for me. An aversion rather than conversion? Probably


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