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Undamped Forced Oscillations

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Presentation on theme: "Undamped Forced Oscillations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Undamped Forced Oscillations

2 External Forcing SHO with an additional external force
Why this particular type of force ? © SB

3 For any arbitrary time varying force
© SB

4 Driving force: Where

5 Equation of motion x=xr+ixi

6 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equation
with constant coefficients General solution : x1 (t) and x2 (t) are linearly independent, i.e x1 (t) NOT proportional to (t) x2

7 2nd order linear inhomogeneous differential equation
with constant coefficients General solution : Complementary function Particular integral: obtained by special methods, solves the equation with f(t)0; without any additional parameters A & B : obtained from initial conditions

8 Obtaining the particular integral
Trial solution Therefore Hence

9 Amplitude, Relative Phase
© SB

10 At resonance [w = w0, for wt=p/2,3p/2…]

11 Amplitude and Phase

12 Low Frequency Response
Stiffness Controlled Regime

13 High Frequency Response
Mass Controlled Regime

14 Summary Undamped forced oscillation (from PI)
Stiffness controlled regime (w<w0) Resonance (w=w0) Mass controlled regime (w>w0)

Author : RICHARD P FEYNMAN, IIT KGP Central Library

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