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adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus

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Presentation on theme: "adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus"— Presentation transcript:

1 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent The country still refuses to ______________ despite its weakening army and dwindling resources.

2 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent Constantine is listed in the 1870 census as ____________; 10 years later, he had learned to read and write. —Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Wall Street Journal, 1 Feb

3 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent Then, during the spring and summer, allow _______________ recovery by taking one or two days off the bike each week and scaling back the intensity of your rides one week out of every month. —Selene Yeager, Bicycling, January/February

4 Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause ____________ skin damage.
adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause ____________ skin damage.

5 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent The laborer's day ends with the going down of the sun … but his employer, who speculates from month to month, has no _______________ from one end of the year to the other. —Henry David Thoreau, Walden,

6 The proposal has faced _______________ opposition.
adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent The proposal has faced _______________ opposition.

7 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent It can hardly be argued, by himself or by his defenders, that he was ______________ to, or unaware of, the true situation. —Christopher Hitchens, Harper's, March

8 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent The problem is so bad, and so costly, that regulating the content of food should become an _______________ matter of public policy. –– Dan Jones, “Britain’s Weight Crisis Almost Hits U.S. Proportions,”

9 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent He is always calling on “we,” “the population,” or “the people” to rally in the streets and _________________ for a better future. –– David Masciotra, “Noam Chomsky—Infuriating and Necessary,”

10 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent Mario Batali spices up Thanksgiving with clean flavors of ____________ and fennel and potatoes with garlic. –– “Shaved Fennel, Roasted Potatoes,” The Daily Beast,

11 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent The city was often loath to change companies, in part because it feared the _____________ that canceling their routes might cause. –– Megan McArdle, “New York City Bus Strike: A Cosy Cartel, Running Out of Gas,”

12 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent They went into the house: it was rather a ______________ than a house; but, poor as it was, it was as neat as misery could make it. –– Charles Madison Curry, Children’s Literature

13 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent Although I hated the ________________ tasks the job required, it gave me a window into the power of local government. –– Michael Tubbs, “There’s No Better Test for Millennials than the American City,”

14 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent All the remedies which the best medical advice could _____________ proved unavailing. –– John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot) Abbott, Louis Philippe

15 adequate capitulate hovel menial strenuous administer citrus illiterate permanent toil agitate disrupt indifferent respite urgent These early British settlers soon established tobacco then sugar cane plantations and started importing workers to ______________ on them. –– Debra A. Klein, “Uncovering the Secrets of St. Kitts,”

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