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Welcome! Please find a seat and begin by filling out the Emergency Release Form, transportation sheet, Super Kid sheet, transportation tag, volunteer.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please find a seat and begin by filling out the Emergency Release Form, transportation sheet, Super Kid sheet, transportation tag, volunteer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please find a seat and begin by filling out the Emergency Release Form, transportation sheet, Super Kid sheet, transportation tag, volunteer survey & Project Based Learning information sheet. How your child is getting home from school is the most important information we need tonight!

2 Mrs. Amazeen & Mrs. Stewart
Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Amazeen & Mrs. Stewart

3 The ABC’s of Kindergarten

4 MSE-Absentee@lcps.orgmail
Absences If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason please

5 Arrival 7:30 AM Staff members will be available in the hallways to help your child find our classroom the first two days of school, Thursday & Friday.



8 Backpacks Please make sure your child brings a backpack each day.
Notes and other important information should be put into daily folders not backpacks. We check folders each day, but we will not go through backpacks! Please keep a change of clothes in your child’s backpack.

9 Behavior Plan Colored Behavior Chart We start each day on green
Please discuss it with your child! Behavior calendars- start in September

10 Behavior Calendars


12 Code to the Future Moorefield Station is one of three Loudoun County Public Schools that has been selected to represent our school division in a new initiative Engaging computer programs and manipulatives in order to serve as a foundation for computer programming Coding Coach Epic Builds Accessing Scratch at home: Scratch Jr. App for other devices Dr. Williams, our superintendent, is committed to this program, as studies show that over 65% of our children’s careers will involve coding.  Stay tuned for updates throughout the year, as we start our journey as a computer immersion school.

13 Communication ParentVue
Conferences will be held at the beginning of November(5th & 6th) Signup and conferences will occur with our long-term substitute There will be a weekly newsletter sent via School newsletters and calendars are sent via e- mail Daily Folders- Check & empty daily Please make sure your is updated!! Did you get yesterdays from me? Please no drop-in conferences! ParentVue

14 Dismissal 2:35 PM Bus riders will be escorted to their bus by their teacher Walkers will be escorted through the front doors Car riders will be escorted by a teacher to the gym where they will wait for your arrival, they will be escorted to your car Daycare students will be escorted to the gym where they will wait for their bus to arrive We must receive a high five before each child leaves so we know who they are leaving with If there are changes to your child’s dismissal we MUST receive a note

15 Dismissal Transportation form & Emergency Release form MUST be completed & returned tonight (yellow bin) Transportation information should also be provided in ParentVue No student will be released to another adult without written permission. Students will be sent home according to the mode of transportation as indicated on the transportation information provided on ParentVUE unless a written note is received stating otherwise. Please DO NOT dismissal changes!



18 Folders Folders will be sent home each day. Behavior calendars, classroom news, notes, etc. will be sent in the folder Folders should be returned to school each day Please check your child’s folder every night! Put notes, forms and any other important information in your child’s folder This is our quickest & easiest form of communication!

19 Happy Birthday! The Loudoun County policy is that parents are no longer allowed to send in food treats for birthdays. Consider items such as stickers, small treats, or class donations (games, books, etc.) If you send in goodie bags please do not put names on them & make sure there is one for every child. NO TREATS! Please do not send invitations to school unless the whole class is invited (no names on them) You can invite all boys and/or all girls, but you cannot single individual students out. We will celebrate our summer birthday’s in the spring!

20 Kindergarten Shirts We put the K in Sharks!
We will be wearing these shirts on school spirit days (Friday’s), Field Trips & Field Day An order form with more information will be sent home soon Ordering online is preferred Cost $10

21 Kindergarten Information Night
The kindergarten team will be hosting an information night to go over the kindergarten curriculum and other important information Time & Date TBD

22 Project Based Learning
Through Project Based Learning students will be empowered to make meaningful contributions to the world by solving an authentic challenging problem. Students will exhibit persistence and passion while learning significant content and important competencies as they focus on authentic problems in our world We will be doing one PBL per quarter 1st Quarter: ABC’s New reading program being introduced More information will be sent home as each project nears

23 Lunch Lunch will be in the cafeteria each day from 11:50-12:20
Students may bring in a lunch from home or buy a school lunch School lunch costs $3.05. It includes a main dish, two sides (fruit & veggie) and a milk Lunch accounts: Online: MSE website, School Menu, Payment Options Lunch numbers: please practice at home

24 Scholastic Book Orders
Each month we will be sending home a Scholastic book order The first one will be sent home in a few weeks There will be more information sent home with the first order form describing how to order online and enter our class code

25 Snack Working Snack Times will vary within the morning Easy to eat

26 Specials Each day we have at least one special
Make sure your child comes prepared for the days special

27 Star Student Each student will have the opportunity to be our star student for the week When your child is the Star Student a schedule describing items to bring in each day and a poster for your child to complete will be sent home

28 Transportation Tags The tags will then be collected in the classroom
The transportation tag attached to the yarn that you fill out tonight should be worn by your child to and from school for the first few weeks The tags will then be collected in the classroom Green transportation tags: Each kindergarten students was given a green tag stating how they get to and from school. This tag will be attached to the backpack & must stay there throughout the school year. Do NOT include your child’s name

29 Volunteers We love volunteers!
Please fill out the volunteer survey and leave it on the table There is a volunteer form from the county in your packet, if you plan on volunteering you must complete this form as well When you visit the school please remember to bring identification & sign in with the office

30 Volunteers Volunteer Coordinator- Works with the teacher to develop a schedule for all of the volunteers Room Mom/Dad- Coordinate the Fall, Winter & End of Year parties, and help with special celebrations in the classroom

31 Water Bottles Please send your child to school each day with a water bottle labeled with their name Students will be able to get water throughout the day & during scheduled transitions Please water ONLY!

32 Word Club Word Club is an optional enrichment activity for students
Strengthens sight word recognition More information will be given during conferences

33 Word Study Starting early with letter sorts
Your child will be assessed and placed into word study groups based on their individual spelling needs later in the year Word Study will be sent out weekly to be completed by the end of the week We will also be working on our word study in the classroom each day Word Study completion is optional but beneficial for the students

34 We are looking forward to a fun filled and successful school year!
Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to a fun filled and successful school year!

35 Forms Before you leave tonight, please make sure you have filled out and handed in the following forms: Transportation form Emergency Release form Student Information Volunteer Project Based Learning Information

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