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Careers In IT Mrs. Beth Cueni.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers In IT Mrs. Beth Cueni."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers In IT Mrs. Beth Cueni

2 What’s available? Present job situation
5 of the top 20 faster growing occupations through 2014 are in the computer field #1 Software Engineers #7 IT analysts Resources – Bureau of Labor Statistics – Identify careers based on major skills

3 What’s wrong? Despite that, CS majors have fallen 60% since the fall of 2000 Critical shortage of IT computer professionals over the next 5-10 years Source: Technology in Action page 79

4 Stigma No jobs because of two factors
Outsourcing – 3rd party provides a service to a company – such as customer service Off shoring – company located outside the United States, India - #1, China, Romania

5 IT jobs staying in the US
Customer face jobs –require customer contact Enablers – getting business projects organized and completed Infrastructure jobs- moving and storing information

6 Things to consider Salary range – Not always top money maker
Gender bias – male dominated Location – within larger companies, city Changing workforce – always need to be learning Stress – average 45 hours per week, on call

7 Careers Web Development Web Programmers – link pages and databases
Graphic Designers- page layout Interface Designer – look and feel of the site easy navigation Web Content Creator- interesting content, games animation

8 Careers Systems Development Computer programmer – create programs
Systems analyst – work with end users and programmers to build systems Project manager – manage all aspects of a project Technical writers – system documentation for users Database Developers – organize information

9 Careers Information Systems Network administrators
Database administrators Web serve administrators Telecommunications technicians

10 Careers Support Services Help desk analysts
Computer support technicians

11 Careers Game Development 2-4 year degree Designers – artistic
Programmers – coding scenarios C, C++, Java Playtesters – recruit from BETA testes provide good feedback Quality assurance – tests games

12 How do I prepare? Get Educated 2 or 4 year college/university
3 degrees Computer Science MIS Computer engineering

13 How do I prepare? Investigate professional certifications
Not a placement for an education Get experience Internships and volunteer Do research What’s available and current trends

14 How do I find a job? College placement offices
Visit online employment sites Start networking Professional organizations Check corporate websites for jobs

15 Where do I go from here? Freshman Sophomore Juniors- Seniors
Career exploration Take as many courses throughout high school as possible Sophomore PSAT volunteer Juniors- ACT/SAT test preparation Visit schools Seniors Accepted by Christmas Finance in spring

16 Where do I go from here? Online Career resources

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