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City of Johannesburg Stakeholder briefing
Rates Policy review 2018/2019
Table of contents 1. Legislative background
2. Rates Policy review process 3. Stakeholders for Rates Policy review 4. The context for the review of the Rates Policy Risks 5. Proposed changes in draft Rates Policy 6. Property categories, Ratios and Rates for 2017/2018 7. Rates Base used to calculate rates for 2017/2018 8. Venues , dates and times for meetings 9. Communication strategy 10. Questions and discussion
Overview the Rates Policy
Legislative background Property rates is a tax in terms of Section 11 of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969 and the Council may recover rates in arrear for a period of up to 30 years The Rates Policy guides the City in all aspects of levying rates on property owners as required by the Local Government Municipal Property Rates Act 6, of 2004 (MPRA) Property Rates are levied as a cent in the Rand based on the market value of the property as reflected in the valuation roll Council levies different rates for different categories of rateable property based on zoning Council through the Rates Policy gives reductions and rebates on certain categories of properties as promulgated Council must review Rates Policy annually Council must conduct public participation on the draft Rates Policy in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Systems Act
Rates Policy review Processes 2018/2019
Rates Policy review is divided into two phases Phase one is when the City presents the first Draft to all the stakeholders Stakeholders will be required to make input and submission All inputs and submission received from all stakeholders will be consolidated into a final draft Rates Policy. Final draft Rates will be table in Council in March as part of the Budget approval process. Phase two of the Rates Policy review take place in April This phase takes place at the same time as the public consultation for IDP and Budget Property Unit reports back to stakeholders on how their inputs have assisted in updating the policy from the submissions and comments submitted Property Unit will present the proposed tariffs for 2018/2019 financial year Stakeholders will be required to make inputs and submission one last time A report will be prepared to Mayoral Committee and Council that contains all the inputs and submissions from different stakeholders During the Budget speech, Council may respond
Rates Policy review Processes 2018/2019
First phase public input into the Draft Rates Policy 2018/2019 First phase starts on the 27th of January and end 28th February 2018 Due date for comments, submission and inputs is 28 February 2018 Second phase proposed Rates Policy and proposed Tariffs (April 2018) Rates policy is available on : Written comments can be: ed to : Fax Number :
Stakeholders for Rates Policy review 2018/2019
Business Forum Business forum represent a majority of business formations within Johannesburg SAPOA SAPOA represent a majority of property developers Ratepayers Association Ratepayer Association ratepayers from different areas with the City of Johannesburg NGO’s NGO’s organisation that have interests in the City Management Agents association Represent management agents within the City that managing sectional and non-sectionalized properties COGTA national and provincial National Treasury JAA -Representing transferring attorneys
Civic education on the Rates policy, Rates By-law and its impact
Draft Rates Policy 2018/2019 The Rates Policy review process for 2018/2019 financial year is done under the following background : City is going to implement its third Valuation roll under the MPRA as amended The Rates Policy has been reviewed annually since 2008 to take into account legislative changes and City policy direction and public input The review was also done enhance policy while ensuring that the required revenue is realized. The review of the Rates Policy considers the pro-poor policy of the City It is important to ensure that there is alignment between the Rates policy and other policies as well as the Strategic Direction adopted by the City Tariff Policy provides that Council rates should be affordable, competitive and promote economic development. Civic education on the Rates policy, Rates By-law and its impact Civic education on the impact of the amended Municipal Property Rates act Implementation of the Mayoral ten point plan strategic direction for the City.
Risks that could impact rates revenue
Draft Rates Policy 2018/2019 Risks that could impact rates revenue Credit rating of the Country is not looking good Economic growth of the Country has slowed down CPI target set by the Reserve Bank Electricity increase Basket of household goods have increased Reduction in disposable income More property owner depending on social grants Business requesting more relief Determination of ratios by CoGTA with immediate implementation Reduction of Grants Reduction of Business ratio to 1:2
Draft Rates Policy 2018/2019 Proposed change in the draft Rates Policy for 2018/2019 Aligning the structure of the Rates Policy to CoGTA Gauteng requirement Rewording the sections of the Rates Policy to read correctly. Replacing outdated legislation with current legislation Aligning the Rates Policy with other City Policies Creation of new property categories Adding new definitions in line with Property Rates amendment act Alignment of categories of properties and categories of ownership to remove the confusion that currently exists Amending the requirements for sectional title properties to qualify for the appropriate rebates.
Categories , Ratios and Rates
Business & Commercial AD2 1729 PBO 30 RESI 2 Consent Use Normal 33 Education 1044 44 Farming 27 Mining 68 3 Multiple Purpose 271 1 Multiple Purpose Business 7 Multiple Purpose Residential 23 Municipal 39 6215 Municipal: Not Rateable 4 Private Open Space 819 167 Public Benefit Organisations 54 Public Service Infrastructure 6158 3502 Public Service Infrastructure Private 1286 152 Religious 1380 Religious purposes Residential 524559 10996
Categories , Ratios and Rates
Residential PBO 191 Residential: A Normal 50 Sectional Title 11 AD2 1 Sectional Title Business 8716 32 RESI 5443 Sectional Title Other 8295 Sectional Title Residential 199331 1762 State 928 330 5 Vacant Land 33526 7888 10 Total 861623
Dates and Venues Venue Region Date Time
Orlando East Community Hall Soweto D 27/01/18 14:00-16:00 Dhlamini Hall Koma Road 10:00-12:00 Protea Glen Library Milk hood Street Ext 2 Soweto 03/02/18 Hillbrow Recreational Centre F 29/01/18 18:00-20:00 Mondeor Recreation Centre 30/01/18 19:00-21:00 Eureka House 92 Marlborough Road 31/01/18 Ennerdale Civic Centre Corner Katz and Smith Street Extension G 01/02/18 Eldorado Don Matteman Hall 05/02/18 Lenasia Civic Centre No 1 Rose Avenue, Lenasia Ext 1 15/02/18 Orange Farm Multi-purpose Hall, Extension 4 08/02/18 Ivory Park North Hall, Midrand A 12/02/18 Midrand Fire Station 14/02/18 Diepsloot Youth Hall, Main Road ,Diepsloot Marks Park Pavilion Hall B 19/02/18
Dates and Venues Dannie Van Zyl Recreation Centre, Claremont B
24/02/18 10:00-12:00 Jabula Recreation Centre Cnr Anne Street & Athlone Avenue, E 21/02/18 18:00-20:00 East Bank Hall ,Cnr Springbok & Impala Str 10/02/18 Ernest Ullman Park Recreation Centre, No 1 Alna Street, Gallo Manor 26/02/18 Cosmo City MPCC ,Angola Drive, Cosmo City C 27/02/18 Roodepoort City Hall 28/02/18 Braamfischerville MPCC, Loerieblaar Ave ,Braamfischerville 14:00-16:00
STAKEHOLDERS Internal Stakeholder Relations: Councillor’s briefing
All COJ staff (including MEs) COJ message Group Finance message Letter to Head of CRUM informing of public meetings in regions External: Presentations to be done to the following external stakeholders: Business Forum JAA (Conveyancing attorneys, Johannesburg Attorneys Association) SAPOA NAMA Key and VIP account holders (including Government, i.e. education, human settlement, etc.) SMS campaign to all customers – sms will go out per region
External: Press releases – to be issued Series of follow up articles will be done (regionally) – will include issues addressed last year Letter to each editor of Caxtons informing and inviting them to meetings Interviews to be arranged with various radio stations ahead of public meetings Social media (Facebook and twitter messages) IVR message Statement message Website (all information to be placed on website)
COMMUNICATIONS Internal GroupFin Newsletter – to be ed to all staff Posters to be put up in all Customer Service Centres Pamphlets to be placed in all Customer Service Centers Newspaper ads in all Caxton (regional) and daily newspapers Radio live reads Electronic media pack (to be ed to journalists) Public meeting dates schedule (1st round) placed on website MMS campaign (3-4 days to be send before meetings starts)
Email your comments to: ratescomments@joburg. org
your comments to: Questions and Discussion Thank you
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