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Reference framework for the oral communication competencies of second language learners Immersion Education: Pathways to Bilingualism & Beyond October.

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Presentation on theme: "Reference framework for the oral communication competencies of second language learners Immersion Education: Pathways to Bilingualism & Beyond October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reference framework for the oral communication competencies of second language learners Immersion Education: Pathways to Bilingualism & Beyond October 16-18, 2008 ; St. Paul, Minnesota Thierry Karsenti & Simon Collin, CRIFPE, Université de Montréal

2 Introduction Reference Framework methodological elaboration Reference Framework content Reference Framework educational uses Conclusion

3 Reference Framework methodological elaboration

4 A threefold elaboration process Consultations and discussion groups with teachers and pedagogical consultants.* Review of the literature on oral communication competencies in L2 learning and teaching. Review of existing assessment frameworks in L2 learning and teaching. Adaptation of our framework to other frameworks. Aspects specific to French immersion. Oral competency indicators.

5 A threefold elaboration process Reference Framework with: 6 levels. 6 oral components.

6 Reference Framework characterization

7 Assessment characterization Norm-referencingCriterion-referencing Formative assessmentSummative assessment Direct assessmentIndirect assessment Performance assessmentKnowledge assessment Subjective assessmentObjective assessment Assessment by othersSelf assessement = Reference Framework for oral competencies

8 Reference Framework content

9 The 6 oral components Vocabulary Grammar and syntax Presence of L1 Pronunciation Rhythm and intonation General communication skill s

10 The 6 levels From level 0: Complete beginner. To level 5: Expert. Level 1: Beginner. Level 2: Basic. Level 3: Intermediate. Level 4: Advanced.

11 Level 0 Cannot communicate in French. Can show some understanding by answering in L1.



14 Level 1 Can rely on a small amount of vocabulary. Can hardly build small and simple French sentences. Can hardly pronounce, even at a slow pace. Mainly uses L1 to communicate with peers.



17 Level 2 Can use a simple and limited vocabulary. Can use simple grammatical structures in French in different daily contexts. Makes very frequent grammar, syntax and pronunciation mistakes. Usually resorts to L1.



20 Level 3 Can use good rhythm and pronunciation. Can make complex sentences in French. Can use a large but sometimes inaccurate vocabulary. Faces oral difficulties when expressing complex ideas or unfamiliar topics.



23 Level 4 Can rely on a large and usually accurate vocabulary. Can communicate in a variety of contexts. Can express complex ideas through argumentation, explanation, etc. Can use a fluid rhythm and a clear pronunciation. Can self-correct.



26 Level 5 Can use a wide vocabulary. Can communicate spontaneously or express complex ideas without L1, in almost any context. Scarcely makes grammar and pronunciation mistakes.




30 Reference Framework pedagogical uses

31 444433 444433 322012833= 78 = 22 An example 444433 444433

32 Pedagogical uses Assessment by others (teachers): To assess ones oral competencies, possibly at the initial stage. To assess ones oral competencies in comparaison with other learners. To assess ones oral competencies in comparison with previous results (to evaluate progress). Self-assessment: To assess ones oral competencies. To assess ones oral competencies in comparison with previous results (to evaluate progress).

33 Visually comparing ones different results 444433 444433 = 22 322012833= 78

34 Reference Framework video clips

35 Website video clips The video clips show real classroom interactions between learners or with teachers. Each level is illustrated by video clips of French immersion learners (different ages).

36 Website video clips

37 Video clip pedagogical uses To help teachers in understanding and assigning the relevant levels to learners. To position ones oral competency level through viewing video clips of peers. To get an idea of the next levels one could reach.

38 For further information To download the Reference Framework. Free access to video clip. More information.

39 Conclusion Pedagogical characteristics of the Reference Framework: Grounded in French immersion teachers and learners reality. Easy to use for teachers, learners, possibly parents. Innovative. Thank you for your attention

40 Reference framework for the oral communication competencies of second language learners Immersion Education: Pathways to Bilingualism & Beyond October 16-18, 2008 ; St. Paul, Minnesota Thierry Karsenti & Simon Collin, CRIFPE, Université de Montréal

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