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Karen Owen.

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1 Karen Owen

2 My Story So Far Chair of Binfield Patient Group from March to Oct 2012 One of the founding members of the original Bracknell & Ascot Joint Patient Forum in 2010/11acting as Secretary until Oct 2012 Became Lay Member of Patient & Public Involvement in Oct 2012 in Shadow role until April 2013 when CCG’s were formed as part of the Health & Social Care Act. Disbanded Patient Forum and worked with HealthWatch to form the current Patient Assembly Founder of the HealthMakers Programme Lay Representative on Thames Valley Clinical Senate Lay Representative on NHSE Patient Experience Oversight Group The Rosumund Snow Community committee member with NHS Involvement. Winner of the first Patient Leader Award from Thames Valley & Wessex Leadership Academy HealthMaker Facilitator & Patient Partner Been actively involved as a Patient in local regional & National PPI since 2010 but lifelong user of the services.

3 Lay Member Role going forward
Key Responsibilities: 25 hours per month Responsible to: Director of Nursing & Quality Support decisions made by the Governing Body in Common as a whole. Main specific duty to be assured on all statutory responsibilities relating to Equality & Diversity and Patient & Public Involvement and ensure the CCG is responsive to the views of local people. Ensure CCG promotes self-care and shared decision-making in all aspects of its business. Merger from 1/4/18 still B & A locality but wider Federated responsibility.

4 In addition to the assurance responsibilities I also perform the following roles;
A) Ambassadorial i) Be the CCG’s ambassador with remit to communicate their commissioning decisions & system developments to the local population and explain them and gather support for decisions made. ii) Be the Patient & Public ambassador and to represent their views and any concerns or issues in meetings, committees or with relevant CCG staff as appropriate. iii) Work with Governing Body Lay members to ensure the Governing Body in Common and the wider CCG act in the best interests of the health of the local population at all times.

5 B) Outreach i) Build and maintain a network of individuals, Carers, Patient Groups and organisations, community champions, member practices and other stakeholders. ii) Use face to face meetings, community events and on line forums and other social media and alternative communication channels to gather feedback and ideas. iii) Ensure this intelligence is used to inform the CCG commissioning intentions and wider system sustainability and transformation planning so the interests of patients and the community remain at the heart of discussions and decisions.

6 C) Development i) Work with the public to improve engagement and involvement in their own health and encourage them keep mentally and physically well and to stay as well as they can to the end of their lives. ii) Encourage Involvement with the local health & care system by promoting CCG engagement activities and consultations to the public. iii) Give support to the Governing Body in Common, Executive Team and Communications & Engagement team in planning communications meetings and public events to ensure all engagement activities are coordinated. iv) Give support to the Member Practices and their Patient Groups to facilitate their views being fed in commissioning intentions to the best possible outcomes for patients within its resource allocation and maintains a consistent focus on quality, whilst ensuring the best use of public money with good governance.

7 Engage all stakeholders, Healthwatch and the voluntary sector.
Key Responsibilities: Advise and support the CCGs in embedding patient and public engagement in all commissioning activities. Give direction and support to the Communications team in planning, to ensure high quality, timely communications and effective meetings in public. Support to Patient Assembly and Community Partnership Forum to ensure engagement is more coordinated. Active involvement in Patient Panel and encouraging others to join the panel. Attend Business Planning and Clinical Commissioning committee, Equality and Diversity Committee and any other boards and committees where Exec or Governing Body identify a need for assurance of appropriate patient involvement in commissioning cycle and service design. Attend GP Member meetings and ensure appropriate Patient/public involvement. Support the development of Practice Patient Groups to ensure diversity of membership, quality and effectiveness of involvement in all CCG engagement activities via participation in Patient Assembly and support to individual member practices. Engage all stakeholders, Healthwatch and the voluntary sector.

8 Key Responsibilities Cont:
Support the development of HealthMakers and work with CCG Executive to ensure the full programme is embedded in CCG commissioning activities and highlight opportunities for CCG, providers and member practices to support and encourage people to self-manage or get involved in HealthMakers. Support Quality team with occasional provider assessment visits ( 3/year). Develop mechanism to trawl emerging issues and feed into the business planning cycle. Represent CCGs on Healthwatch Board as required. Liaise with Lay Members for Governance to support them in PPI assurance on Governing Body and provide backup cover for Remuneration Committee. Attend sub-committees for agreed portfolio of commissioning priorities. This is the assurance route for statutory duties relating to public involvement in service decisions. Coordinate with other PPI members in order to ensure quality, efficacy and uniformity of approach and avoid unnecessary duplication.

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