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Practical Tools To Strengthen Civic Engagements

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1 Practical Tools To Strengthen Civic Engagements
12 March 2019

2 Presentation Layout Background Purpose of Study Legislative Framework
Current Tools for Civic Engagements Challenges Facing CVIC Engagements Suggestions for Enhanced Civic engagements

3 Background Local government have made significant progress in creating a firm foundation for equal society The Involvement of citizens in government processes has been one of the major failures of democracy in developing countries Government institutions have a responsibility to create platforms for citizens to engage on issues affecting them Failure of civic engagement platforms and tools have contributed to the widening communication gap between stakeholders in local government

4 Legislative Framework
Constitution MSA 117 of 1998 MSA 32 of 2000 MFMA MDA MPRA Local Gov Bulletin Local Government Citizens

5 Current tools for Civic Engagements
Municipal Council Ward Committees Municipal Public Accounts Accountability Tools (AGSA, Annual Report) Community Engagements IDP process SDBIP Municipal Budgets

6 Challenges facing Civic Engagements
Municipal Council The inability of municipalities to financially sustain themselves; The lack of capacity to deliver constant and regular services; and The failure of officials to comply with regulations Ward Committees Lack of skills by committee members Lack of impact on the decisions of municipalities Representation in ward committees Municipal Public Accounts Committees Lack of specific legislation outlining the role and mandate of MPACs Lack of political will for speakers to hold executive accountable Inadequate human and financial resources with no support from speakers Reluctance by mayors and some accounting officers to appear before MPACs and be held accountable

7 Suggestions to Enhance Civic engagements
Review current legislation on civic engagements Develop customised engagement frameworks and policies Initiate relevant engament tools

8 Suggested engagement tools
Civic Engagements Feedback Mechanisms E-participation platforms Opinion Polls 1 CBOs, NGOs, Faith Based 2 Ward Committees 3 Municipal Imbizos

9 Thank You

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