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Problems Facing the Framers

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Presentation on theme: "Problems Facing the Framers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Problems Facing the Framers
1. Division of Powers (federalism) 2. Separation of powers (checks & balances) 3. Ensuring rights of people and states

2 Division of Powers (federalism)
Enumerated Powers Certain powers will be granted to the fed. Coin money Post office Raise an army Declare war

3 Division of Powers (federalism)
Reserved Powers Certain powers will be granted to the states. Educate citizens Conduct voting

4 Division of Powers (federalism)
Shared Powers Certain powers will be granted to both state and fed. Tax citizens Court system Roads/infrastructure

5 Who wins in a fight? Article 6, Section 2 (the Supremacy Clause) says that the Const. is the Supreme Law and that all judges are bound by it, even if a state law conflicts. Elastic Clause = Congress shall make all laws that are “necessary and proper”

6 Separation of powers (checks & balances)
Executive Branch-enforce the laws President selects federal judges Senate must approve

7 Separation of powers (checks & balances)
Legislative Branch Passes laws President must approve

8 Separation of powers (checks & balances)
Judicial Branch Interpret laws (“Constitutional”?) President appoints & Senate approves judges

9 Ensuring rights of people and states
No-no’s for government (ppt.) Ability to change (amend) the Constit. ¾ of states agree Amendments

10 Ratification 9 states had to agree to the Const. In order for it to become our plan for government.

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