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Changes in transcript abundance of the TR-ACS gene family in white clover roots over 24 h in response to Pi supply Changes in transcript abundance of the.

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1 Changes in transcript abundance of the TR-ACS gene family in white clover roots over 24 h in response to Pi supply Changes in transcript abundance of the TR-ACS gene family in white clover roots over 24 h in response to Pi supply Relative transcript abundance of TR-ACS1, TR-ACS2 and TR-ACS3, as indicated in the EZ (A), VL (B) and MR (C) regions of the primary roots of nodal explants maintained hydroponically in half-strength Hoagland's media containing either 1 mM Pi (clear bars) or 10 μM Pi (shaded bars) for the time intervals indicated. Relative transcript abundance was determined by qRT-PCR and transcription was normalized against two internal reference genes, TR-β-actin and TR-GAPDH. Values are means ± S.E.M., for two biological replicates each of which was derived from means of three independent qRT-PCR reactions. * indicates significant differences between the 1 mM Pi and the 10 μM Pi treatments (P≤0.05). Marissa Roldan et al. Biosci. Rep. 2016;36:e00411 ©2016 by Portland Press Ltd

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