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Aligning Training and Testing in Support of Interoperability

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Presentation on theme: "Aligning Training and Testing in Support of Interoperability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aligning Training and Testing in Support of Interoperability
Varna 2010 Aligning Training and Testing in Support of Interoperability CLOSING REMARKS

2 Interoperability Report
Analysis of Interoperability Shortfalls in Current NATO-led Operations Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre June 2010 IMC Control | Identify shortfalls with significant impact on IO, examine causes, recommend courses of action to correct for current and future ops. International Security Assistance Force ISAF and Kosovo Force KFOR primary field of research (others interviewed). Eight shortfalls selected, but Restricted. “Interoperability is not complicated, but it is complex.” IO is increasingly, exponentially more complex as more nations are engaged. Two main causes: due to inadequate harmonization of requirements and procedures, expectations not fully understood by Troop Contributing Nations; complexity of IO is often overwhelming. Wide disparity of English skills, national testing processes “fail to assure adequate abilities to listen, speak, read, and write.” Idiosyncratic English (e.g., stylistic conventions of avoiding repetition), slang and idiom (see Chaloupsky), and dialect variants impede communication in International English. Recommended COA generic (better coord of effort, clear articulation of expectations), but standard English should be recognized as a goal by English-speaking nations.


4 Chaloupsky drink water horse egg
BILC Exclusion Test Lead a ______ to water but you can’t make him _____. The chicken and the ___ conundrum. Rip van __________. Chaloupsky drink water horse egg

5 Presentations Topics and Themes Interoperability issues Assessment
Higher Levels Curriculum and Teacher Development Alignment of standards National Programs Visit to Shumen – busman’s holiday – is a highlight




9 Pliska


11 ?


13 Transformation


15 Magic






21 Monday Col Josef Ernst Epp Leete Dr Don Fischer
Ms Greta Keremidchieva & Peggy Garza Dr Issele Ms Petitjean Panel facilitated by Catrine Modig L3 Terminology and concepts Aids and assists ELTIS HR issues – study group matter SHAPE disconnects

22 Tuesday LCol Petkov’s overview Dan Pater
Tour of Language Center in Shumen Pliska Archeology museum Planetarium Winery and proposed new Study Group FLC and PfP Center Aligning taxonomies and assessment

23 Wednesday Olga Marinova and Emilija Nesheva Ms Dimitrova Ms Berska
Ms Helsloot and Willem van der Plaat Ginta Laute-Treide

24 Wednesday Nato Jiadze and Ms Skhulukhia Joanne Bowman Nadia Bradislova
Ms Zupanec Panel facilitated by Jerry Nowers Spiritual dimension to teaching

25 Thursday Päivi Kilpinen Dan Lyons Maj Ana Lagares & Capt José Navarro
Mr Ghanwi Julie Dubeau

26 Thursday Roy Lowthian James Dirgin David Oglesby
Panel facilitated by Francesco Gratton

27 General Comments National approaches very similar Operational focus
20 years of progressive implementation Mature systems Operational focus Unfortunate but constant Finance Challenging & constant Collateral effects DLI eg Compression of resources

28 General comments Increasing use of technology in support of teaching, learning, skill enhancement, test generation and analysis and reporting -- Leading to huge potential for collaborative research in support of IO, and collaborative curriculum development

29 Responsibility and Responsiveness
“I said I was blaming you – I did not say it was your fault.”

30 Complementary Activities
At the urgent recommendation of Belgium NEW STUDY GROUP WORKING GROUP STANDING (?) COMMITTEE Both receptive and productive capability

31 Music Dance and Magic Jazz scat and blues Chamber music Crooner Dance

32 Food & Facilities Five Stars

33 Cultural events Were you amazed and enchanted?

34 Благодаря

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