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Sakashita, Kouichi Shibata Laboratory

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1 Sakashita, Kouichi Shibata Laboratory
May 28, 2004 The test of SCIntillation Tracking Image Camera (SCITIC) detector with cosmic ray muons (Graduation thesis at Tokyo University of Science) Sakashita, Kouichi Shibata Laboratory

2 Example for using SCITIC detector
SCITIC is a cube of plastic scintillator viewed with an image intensifier tube and a CCD camera Example for using SCITIC detector ・Observation of Λ- hyperon production and decay p π- K+ detail Λ π+ pπ=1.6 GeV/c Plastic scintillator (Active target) 5cm  We measure Λ- polarization

3 Existing tracking detectors have good position resolution
However, they need external trigger Cloud chamber Bubble chamber Nuclear emulsion

4 SCITIC detector is able to trigger by itself
We can select events we want IIT & Camera trigger scintillator lens PC Scheme of SCITIC In the poster session, I will show the details of SCITIC detector and test results.

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