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COS Standard 2 Evaluate social and political origins, accomplishments and limitations of Progressivism.

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Presentation on theme: "COS Standard 2 Evaluate social and political origins, accomplishments and limitations of Progressivism."— Presentation transcript:

1 COS Standard 2 Evaluate social and political origins, accomplishments and limitations of Progressivism.

2 Assessing the impact of muckrakers on public opinion during the Progressive movement, including Upton Sinclair, Jacob A. Riis, and Ida M. Tarbell Chapter 18 Section 1 and 18-2

3 Progressivism 1890 to 1920 Collection of different ideas and activities about how to fix the problems within American society. Disagreed on how to fix the problems Agree the government should take a more active role in solving the problems Urbanization Industrialization

4 Progressivism (continued)
They believed… the government needed to be fixed the government needs to be more responsive to people before other problems are addressed. could fix society’s problems by applying scientific principles to society One group of progressives wanted the government to be more efficient. Apply the principles of scientific management Want experts to fix things, not politicians Managing time Breaking down tasks Example: commission plan

5 What did Progressives push the Government for?
Direct Primary: a party election in which all party members vote for a candidate to run in the general election Initiative: groups of citizens to introduce legislation and required legislature to vote on it. Referendum: voters demand a special election to remove an elected official from office. 17th Amendment: direct elections of senators. 19th Amendment: women’s right to vote

6 What did Progressives push the government for? (continued)
Worked to end child labor, created building codes, workers’ compensation laws, zoning laws, health codes, and make work environment safer for workers, temperance/prohibition. Free enterprise

7 Muckrakers Group of journalist who investigated social conditions and political corruption. Pressure to introduce reforms Term that came from the book by John Bunyan called Pilgrim’s Progress

8 Examples of Muckrakers
Jacob Riis: wrote a book called How the Other Half Lives, describes poverty, disease, and crime in urban cities. Ida Tarbell: writes a series of articles about Standard Oil Upton Sinclair: The Jungle, meatpacking industry

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