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Bobby Kennedy R.F.K..

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1 Bobby Kennedy R.F.K.

2 His work with Civil Rights
Bobby worked hard to encourage Civil Rights He also worked hard to get equal rights for Mexican Migrant workers He wanted to create better lives for Native Americans

3 Bobby Quote “Somebody has to speak up for the Negroes and Indians and Mexicans and poor whites.” Bobby was not happy with the OPPRESSION he saw in American society and wanted to change it.

4 Bobby and the Mafia Bobby worked hard to bring down Jimmy Hoffa.


6 Jimmy Hoffa Jimmy Hoffa was the leader of the Teamsters Union
The Teamsters are truckers Unions are organized groups of workers who fight for workers’ rights The Teamsters union was known to be part of the Mafia

7 Bobby is not successful
Bobby is not successful at getting Jimmy Hoffa removed as president of the Teamsters Union He gets very popular for trying, however


9 Bobby Runs for President
In 1968 Bobby runs for President Many people believe that when he is elected he will reopen the investigation of his brother’s death.

10 People are worried Bobby is challenging Lyndon Johnson for the Democratic nomination. It is known that Lyndon Johnson is very friendly with the C.I.A. The C.I.A. may have had something to do with J.F.K.’s death.

11 Jackie (J.F.K.’s wife) Jackie said to Arthur Schlesinger at a dinner party in New York: “Do you know what I think will happen to Bobby?” When Schlesinger replied that he didn’t, she said: “The same thing that happened to Jack.”

12 John Lindsay “Yes, of course, he has the stuff to go all the way, but he’s not going to go all the way. The reason is that somebody is going to shoot him. I know it and you know it, just as sure as we’re sitting here. He’s out there waiting for him.”

13 Los Angeles After a campaign speech Bobby is shot
After leaving the podium, someone suggested that he take a short cut through the kitchen A man named Sirhan Sirhan shot him

14 Conspiracy? The autopsy said all 3 bullets hit Bobby from behind
Powder burns on his face indicate that the gun was fired no more than 3 inches away from his ear Not one witness said Sirhan Sirhan was ever that close to Kennedy Oh, boy, here we go.

15 The Investigation The leader of the investigation was tied to the C.I.A. They conclude that Sirhan Sirhan was the lone gunman. Sound familiar?

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