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Welcome to Class! 100% English 3 Supplies: Mrs. Gallos Minor Major

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1 Welcome to Class! 100% English 3 Supplies: Mrs. Gallos Minor Major
Fall 2017 English 3 Welcome to Class! Mrs. Gallos Welcome to 11th Grade English! Our focus this school year will be learning and developing our skills as critical thinkers, readers, writers, speakers, and listeners. The development and mastery of these important literary skills not only is important to achieving success in the English classroom, it is a critical component of achieving success in other school subjects, building strong relationships with others, and attaining a flourishing career as an adult. Basically, the quality of life you experience now thorough adulthood will depend a lot on how well you read, write, and communicate with others. Supplies: One pair of earbuds or headphones College ruled filler paper 3 Ring Binder with dividers One set of four or more highlighters Multiple pencils and pens One set of 12 or more colored pencils Room 103 Most all Course Work will be in Canvas. You will need the Canvas APP and the Powerschool APP for your phone. You will be expected to know your log in and password. You will not be allowed to use your phone to look it up in class. 100% 60% 40% Major Minor Curriculum: We will be reviewing literature in a chronological order moving through the different literary periods. From each literature period we will try and survey perspectives from different levels of social classes in order to view the effects of class stratification on the American culture and the distinct voices of United States literature. Major themes that we will be looking at will include, though will not be limited to, the individual versus society, social change, and disillusionment. Reading and reading comprehension Class Expectations: Be in seat when tardy bell rings. Put proper heading on all papers. Phones go in the holder before the bell. Use restroom with permission. 5. Bring all of your supplies to class daily. 6. Complete all of your work and turn it in on time. 7. All NDHS rules and policies shall be observed within the classroom. Writing Constructed Responses Writing a Researched Essay

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