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4 In persuasive writing, a writer takes a position FOR or AGAINST an issue and writes to convince the reader to believe or do something.

5 Persuasive writing is often used in advertisements to get the reader to buy a product. It is also used in essays and other types of writing to get the reader to accept a point of view. In order to convince the reader you need more than opinion: you need facts or examples to back your opinion. So, be sure to do the research.

6 A persuasive essay tries to influence a reader’s thinking by convincing him or her to think in a certain way or take action.

7 How do you persuade? 1. Use evidence Facts Quotes Examples

8 How to persuade? 2. open with a “hook” or “grabber” to catch the attention. A. use an unusual detail. (it is the largest house, the fastest car etc…) B. Use strong statement. (number one, best seller) C. Use a quote from a spokesman. D. Use an anecdote. A short attention getting story, can be funny, sad, or amazing.

9 E. Open with a question. F. Use outrageous statements. The most fantastic thing you have ever seen, the cheapest on the planet, faster than a speeding bullet.

10 How to persuade? 3. Generate hypothetical instances. A. suppose that….
B. what if….. C. Have you ever…… D. if you had this it would….

11 How to persuade? 4. Draw comparisons. A. COMPARE B. CONTRAST

12 How to persuade? 5. Use an analogy to explain or elaborate an idea by identifying significant likenesses between two objects or ideas when other wise they are quite different. Ex. cub is to lion as foal is to____ Colt dog zebra monkey Ex. heavy : light :: near : _______ Close by far away next door traveled

13 How to persuade? 6.Use a prediction.
Ex. If you don’t buy this you will regret it because…. Ex. If you buy this it will make your life better because…..

14 Remember a persuasive paragraph tries to persuade the reader to do something.
Start with a hook or grabber to open. Use persuasive techniques to convince the reader. End with a strong closing.


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