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Https://www. google. com/search

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1 https://www. google. com/search

2 Finish your procedures and turn them in
You need to finish the procedures you have written to ensure we can begin conducting your lab experiment (10 minutes) Turn them in and I’ll hand them out to the next group

3 Update your TOC Lab Report for “Title of the lab you are given”

4 Performing your new Procedures
You will need to perform the procedures exactly as they are written in front of the class Determine if the procedures were successful for you to complete the lab, if not indicate what issues arose We can discuss this as a class If a lab group is performing your procedures and are unsuccessful you will need to make corrections in your notebook, use a colored pencil Once all labs have been completed we will begin writing our lab report (in your notebooks)

5 Lab Reports Format in Your Notebook
Title: given to you by the group’s procedures Question: given to you by the group’s procedures Hypothesis: Your own hypothesis for the lab you are about to perform Procedures: given to you by the group’s procedures Analysis: Below the title draw out your data table, given to you by the group’s procedures Fill it out with your data from performing the procedures Results (discussion of results) Just discuss what was observed in the results (No reasons) Possible errors that occurred CER

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