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Presentation on theme: "GROUP DISCUSSION ADVANTAGES 1. Creates New Ideas."— Presentation transcript:

2. Gives new ways to look at a Problem – Perspective. 3. It’s career Preparation. 4. It calls for Research to support Opinions = Credibility

1. You & 2 to 3 other people. 2. Functioning rules – Basic Etiquette 3. Goal – Share information most of the time 4. Generally, lacks an audience. 5. Benefits – reinforces friendships; increases knowledge; provides support; etc. 1. Uses 5 to 8 people (odd #’s are the best) 2. Uses Parliamentary Procedure to function 3. Goal – Develop a solution to a problem 4. Audience may attend – Use of Open Forum. 5. Benefits – a. Adds new perspective on ideas. b. Introduces diversity to a group

3 PEOPLE are more willing to support a SOLUTION if they had a PART in it’s creation.

4 What is Group discussion?
It’s a cooperative exchange of information, opinions, and ideas. 1. Members should be open-minded. 2. Not a debate 3. Dynamic – all members should be heard 4. Requires patience 5. Democratic system is used – share responsibility to listen, think, & reason 6. Not Perfect

5 Discussion Formats Lecture – Discussion: speaker provides information, followed by a Q & A by audience. 2. Panel: Informal & before an audience. Three or 4 members speaking to each other after a speech on public issues of concern to an audience. a. Open forum: Q & A of members b. Round Table: Small group participation about a topic of common concern (business & govt.) 3. Symposium: Formal, with a leader introducing speakers of opposing viewpoints; followed by Q & A. 4. Town Hall Meeting: Small community comes together to solve a problem (early American colonies).

6 SUCCESS FACTORS Sitting arrangement a. Circle b. Face each other
Size: 5 to 8 the best 3. COHESION: All members are pulling together in the same direction.

7 Types Based on Topics Factual – discussing currents issues and facts.
Example: The pros and cons of a college student having a credit card. 2. Controversial and Argumentative Example: The pros and cons of a female president. 3. Abstract – not easily defined or formulated. Example: Political Correctness 4. Case Studies – a problem that needs a solution Example: How to make money with recycling?

8 Hey, Is this a Group Discussion?

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