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Innovative approach Bio-economy From regional to trilateral cluster

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1 Innovative approach Bio-economy From regional to trilateral cluster
Brussels, November 8, 2013 Innovative approach Bio-economy From regional to trilateral cluster Willem Sederel Director Biobased Delta Chairman Steering Group Biobased Economy Strategic Board SW-Netherlands

2 Power of the Biobased Delta Region
Strong agro and chemical sector Geographic position and infrastructure Cross border connections Collaboration within Triple Helix Open innovation (business driven) Topfacilities accelerate innovation Agro meets Chemistry in and beyond Biobased Delta

3 Mega clusters chemical industry in the World
ARRR Shanghai Houston Jubail Jurong

4 Global Challenges for ARRR
Global competitiveness European Process industry Resource and process efficiency Emerging Biobased economy vs mature fossile economy How to achieve competitive biobased value chains ? Needed for transition to Biobased Economy 2018Brabant Inspiratiesessie

5 The pillars of Competitiveness
Basic requirements Institutions Infrastructure Macroenomic environment Health & primary education Key for Factor-driven Economies

6 The pillars of Competitiveness
Basic requirements Institutions Infrastructure Macroenomic environment Health & primary education Key for Factor-driven Economies Efficiency enhancers Higher education and training Goods market efficiency Financial market development Technological readiness Market size Key for Efficiency-driven Economies

7 Market, technology, infrastructure, skilled people
CO2 Jobs CO2/ha/yr jobs/ha (red-high) Rhine corridor

8 Research and pilot opportunities
Largest concentration of Universities and high schools Research centers: TNO, VITO, VIB, Frauenhofer, Helmholtz Demonstration plants: BBEU-Ghent, CBP-Leuna, Bioprocess Pilot Delft Biobased initatives: BE-Basic, FISCH, CLIB2021, NRW Cleantech ….etc iLabs&COCI’s: Green Chemistry Campus, Chemelot, Plant One, Campus Delft Training Centre: BBEU-Terneuzen

9 The pillars of Competitiveness
Basic requirements Institutions Infrastructure Macroenomic environment Health & primary education Key for Factor-driven Economies Efficiency enhancers Higher education and training Goods market efficiency Financial market development Technological readiness Market size Key for Efficiency-driven Economies Key for Innovation-driven economies Innovation & sophistication factors Business sophistication Innovation Needs - question factors Changes in society Environment & Climate Change Key for Challenge-driven economies Source: partially WEF

10 2018Brabant Inspiratiesessie
Solution approach Joint Bio-economy program between strong regions: example NRW/NL/FL Initiators Possible collaboration on: conversion, CO2, smart links, recycling, waste-to-resource, biotechnology 2018Brabant Inspiratiesessie

11 Need NRW/NL/FL government support on:
a joint Human Capital Agenda focused on: - education and vocational training of skilled workforces - cross-border academia exchange - shared curricula at schools and universities joint strategy towards European funding such as : - Horizon 2020, BRIDGE, leverage national funding by well-functioning, joint cross-border funding schemes/ systems for TR level 1-8. sharing of pilot and demonstration facilities development of logistics for cross-border biobased value chains and clusters, cross-border investments and funding, stimulating participation of small and medium sized companies a joint focus on internationalisation beyond Europe capitalizing on earlier investments in well-functioning public-private partnerships

12 Preliminary Conclusion
Roadmap for innovation strategy for bio-economy NWE regions two dimensions: Regional Regional (SME) companies, regional biomass feedstock, mainly regional universities (of applied science), knowledge institutes, supported by regional and local governments work on development and commercialization of biobased products & processes. 2. International International and global companies (with SME!) work with worldclass knowledge institutes and international clusters together on the BIG THEMES and large development projects as part of the ARRR cluster Point in case: NRW/NL/FL Joint Bio-economy program Strong EU and national support required "Regions as motors of new growth through smart specialisation

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