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What Is Biology? Chapter 1.

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1 What Is Biology? Chapter 1

2 Biology Bio- life -ology the study of Biology - THE STUDY OF LIFE

3 What is LIFE? What is LIVING?
Scientists conclude that a group of things is living if, at sometime, the members of the group meet ALL of the 7 characteristics of life. - What are some living things? - What are some non-living things?

4 What is an ORGANISM? Any living thing.

5 Living, Non-living & Dead
Meet ALL 7 characteristics of life. Non-living- Do not meet ALL 7 characteristics of life. Dead (once living)- At one time, met ALL 7 characteristics of life.

6 What are the 7 Characteristics Of Life?
Organisms are organized. Organisms maintain homeostasis. Organisms metabolize. Organisms respond to their surroundings. Organisms make more living things. Organisms pass traits to offspring. Organisms grow.

7 Organisms are ORGANIZED
Have order- an orderly structure. Specialized parts do specific jobs, but they all work together. Individual cells are also organized; each part doing a special job. Example: The human body is organized: Cells>Tissues>Organs> Organ Systems> Organisms

8 Maintain Homeostasis Homeo- Homeostasis the same
Maintenance of internal environment; maintaining a constant balance or equilibrium Example: Sweating or shivering to maintain a constant body temperature.

9 Organisms metabolize. Organisms need power (energy) to perform metabolic life functions. Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions carried out by the organism. Autotroph- “self-feeder” An organism that has the ability to obtain energy from sunlight or inorganic substances and produce its own food supply. Energy source- sunlight Examples- plants Heterotroph- “other-feeder” An organism that must get its energy from food sources. Energy sources- chemicals, other organisms, decaying matter Examples- animals, fungus

10 Organisms respond to their surroundings.
Response to a stimulus Adjusting to a change in the environment Example: Squinting in the sunlight Usually temporary Adaptation Any structure or behavior that increases an organism’s chance of survival

11 Organisms make more living things.
Reproduction: making more of the species; producing offspring. Organisms can only come from other organisms. If organisms did not reproduce, the species would go extinct.

12 Asexual Vs. Sexual Reproduction
A-= no, without Asexual= without sex The creation of offspring from one parent. Produces an offspring with no genetic variation; exactly the same as the parent. Bacteria, Planarians, Cells The creation of offspring from two parents. Produces an offspring with genetic variation. Requires fertilization of an egg by a sperm.

13 Heredity Parents pass their traits onto offspring.
Inherited characteristics change over time. This can lead to evolution.

14 Organisms change during their lives.
Growth & Development Growth: Cells get larger and more numerous. Organisms develop more/different structures. Organisms will experience many physical changes throughout the life cycle.

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