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1. Air passing mountains ”…Although this conceptual model seems to work well for westerly flow over topography, an attempt to apply it to easterly flow.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Air passing mountains ”…Although this conceptual model seems to work well for westerly flow over topography, an attempt to apply it to easterly flow."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Air passing mountains ”…Although this conceptual model seems to work well for westerly flow over topography, an attempt to apply it to easterly flow quickly leads to an absurdity.” Prof. James Holton, Bull AMS 1994

2 ξ = 0 North = higher f H South = lower f

3 ξ = 0 North = higher f H ξ < 0 H South = lower f

4 ξ = 0 North = higher f ξ < 0 ξ = 0 South = lower f

5 ξ < 0 North = higher f ξ < 0 ξ = 0 South = lower f

6 The Second Haurwitz Memorial Lecture: Stationary Planetary Waves
James R. Holton Atmospheric Sciences Department University of Washington, Seattle, Washington ”…According to this reasoning, no air stream will ever be able to pass a mountain range from the east!” Bull AMS 1994

7 The Second Haurwitz Memorial Lecture: Stationary Planetary Waves
James R. Holton Atmospheric Sciences Department University of Washington, Seattle, Washington “Since the standard conceptual model does not work for easterly flow it is reasonable to ask whether it is appropriate for westerly flow….” Bull AMS 1994

8 The Second Haurwitz Memorial Lecture: Stationary Planetary Waves
James R. Holton Atmospheric Sciences Department University of Washington, Seattle, Washington “Acknowledgements:… Anders Persson and Prof. Dale Durran for correspondence and discussions on some of this material.” Bull AMS 1994

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