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1 F uture & E merging T echnologies in the I nformation S ociety T echnologies programme of E uropean C ommission Ralph Dum Long-term.

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Presentation on theme: "1 F uture & E merging T echnologies in the I nformation S ociety T echnologies programme of E uropean C ommission Ralph Dum Long-term."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 F uture & E merging T echnologies in the I nformation S ociety T echnologies programme of E uropean C ommission Ralph Dum Long-term research in ICT in 7th framework programme

2 2 Structure of 7th Framework Program (2007-2013) Cooperation(61%): Evolves around research themes Collaborative research projects,Joint technology initiatives ERA, international collaboration…. Ideas – Frontier research (16%): Evolves around researchers European Research Council - ERC People – Human potential (10%): Marie-Curie Fellowships… Grants for researchers to move in- and outside Europe Capacities – Research capacity (10%): Research Infrastructures Example: the EC Grid infrastructure GEANT Joint Research Center – (non-)nuclear (3%) : direct research activities of EC Total Budget: 54Billion Euros

3 3 Structure of 7th Framework Program (2007-2013) Cooperation(61%): Evolves around research themes Collaborative research projects Joint technology initiatives ERA, international collaboration…. Ideas – Frontier research (16%, approx. 1BEuros/year): European Research Council - ERC Based on excellence and research interests of PI Basic foundational research ICT: Algorithms, computational complexity, …… Planned in 2007: Start-up funds for young researchers People – Human potential (10%): Marie-Curie Fellowships… Evolves around exchange of researchers including outside Europe Capacities – Research capacity (10%): Research Infrastructures International agreements (like GEANT, the EC Grid infrastructure Joint Research Center – (non-)nuclear (3%)

4 4 Structure of 7th Framework Program (2007-2013) Cooperation(61%): Evolves around research themes Collaborative research: Teams form to achieve a goal Technology Platforms ERA - European Research Area International collaboration (action speciales) Ideas – Frontier research (16%): Evolves around researchers European Research Council - ERC People – Human potential (10%): Marie-Curie Fellowships… Evolves around exchange of researchers including outside Europe Capacities – Research capacity (10%): Research Infrastructures International agreements (like GEANT, the EC Grid infrastructure Joint Research Center – (non-)nuclear (3%)

5 5 Themes in Cooperation: approx. 4.5BEuros/year Health (18%) Food Biotechnology (6%) ICT (28% ) (1.3 BE/year) Nanotechnology, materials, production: (11%) Energy: (7%) Environment: (6%) Transport: (13%) Socio-economic research: (2%) Space & security: (9%) ICT is managed by Directorate for IT & Media All other themes are managed by Directorate for Research FET (10% of ICT)

6 6 Work programme structure 2007/2008 for ICT (first two years of FP7) Pervasive and trusted networks Pervasive and trusted networks Cognitive systems, Interaction and robotics Cognitive systems, Interaction and robotics Components and systems engineering Components and systems engineering Digital libraries and Content Digital libraries and Content Towards sustainable and personaled healthcare Towards sustainable and personaled healthcare ICT for sustainablity and energy efficency ICT for sustainablity and energy efficency ICT for idependent living and inclusion ICT for idependent living and inclusion Future and emerging technologies Future and emerging technologies

7 7 Role of FET: Pasteurs Quadrant Pure applied research (Edison) Quest for fundamental understanding? No Use-inspired basic research (Pasteur) Pure basic research (Bohr) Quest for fundamental understanding? Yes Consideration of use? Yes Consideration of use? No

8 8 Pure applied research (Edison) Quest for fundamental understanding? No Use-inspired basic research (Pasteur) Pure basic research (Bohr) Quest for fundamental understanding? Yes Consideration of use? Yes Consideration of use? No FET Ideas ERC Role of FET: Pasteurs Quadrant ICT

9 9 FET = Bridging across research modalities Bridge between science and engineering Bridge between curiosity-driven and goal-driven Bridge between ICT and other disciplines Bridge between ICT and other disciplines Bridge between disciplines: Multidisciplinary High risk research Proof-of-concept Disruptive paradigm Maturation phase Technology Innovation Business innovation FET

10 10 Moores law hits barriers on both ends of scale Quantum limit of down scaling Need to harness quantum phenomena Need for manipulation at atomic level Complexity limit of scaling up Ever more components Exponential scale-up of connectivity ICT will hit wall: Terabyte >Teraflop ??? Rethink nature of computing SW engineering cannot follow Moores law

11 11 Beyond von Neumann/Shannon/Turing? (or beyond what we made them stand for) Logical Physical Shannon: Optimal transfer of bits (No semantic context, no space and time) Turing: Give meaning to bits (no physical context, not adapted to distributed world) von Neumann: Two separate layers (SW & HW)

12 12 Physical != silicon chips Logical Physical The living (grow, adapt evolve, distribute) Quantum computing (intrinsically parallel) The cell (concurrency in regulatory networks FET initiatives: Quantum information QIPC BIO/NEURO IT: -Artefacts that live and grow

13 13 The body/substrate computes Logical Physical Logical Physical FET Initiatives Bio-ICT synergies Embodied Intelligence Evolutionary Hardware Embodied Intelligence Morphological computing Life as information processing

14 14 Complex Systems Research: Understand the system rather than its components Networks of many interacting Heterogeneous parts Social systems Living systems Large scale artificial systems Decentralised systems design and networked organization: The internet and P2P Business networks Socio-techno networks Power networks FET initiative Complex systems General organisational and functional principles of CS More is different (P.W. Anderson)

15 15 Internet: a paradigmatic driver for ICT The Internet is the most complex artificial computational artefact ever created by man. It evolves in absence of any central control guided by the economic interests of participants (Papadimitriou 2001) Internet is ever growing: Nodes are constantly added and removed An Expanding universe FET projects: EVERGROW DELIS

16 16 From Individual to Mass and back The world of online communities -P2P networks enable online communities of all sorts -Users develop own tribunes usiness processes on underlying -Business processes on underlying social network created by Web -User seek personalised space Folksonomies FET project TAGORA Emergent semantics/ Social computing or Anarchy?

17 17 FET Proactive initiatives in FP7 Initiatives that tackle aspects of robotics Bio-ICT convergence Bio-ICT convergence Embodied intelligence Embodied intelligence Science of complex systems for socially intelligent ICT Science of complex systems for socially intelligent ICT Human-computer confluence Human-computer confluence Other initiatives Nano-scale ICT devices and systems Nano-scale ICT devices and systems Pervasive adaptation Pervasive adaptation ICT forever yours ICT forever yours Massive ICT systems Massive ICT systems QIPC and other quantum technologies QIPC and other quantum technologies

18 18 Embodied intelligence HYDRA project: Living and growing robots To exploit biological insight into the mechanisms of biological self- organisation for a fundamentally new design standard. To exploit biological insight into the mechanisms of biological self- organisation for a fundamentally new design standard. Self-assembling cells in 3D space in which each cell cooperates with other cells and is able to make choices regarding movement, perception and communication Self-assembling cells in 3D space in which each cell cooperates with other cells and is able to make choices regarding movement, perception and communication Task specialisation of the cells similar to social insects Task specialisation of the cells similar to social insects Morphogenesis Morphogenesis

19 19 Embodied intelligence COGNIRON project: Cognitive Robot Companion Perceptual, representational, reasoning and learning capabilities of embodied robots in human-centred environments Perceptual, representational, reasoning and learning capabilities of embodied robots in human-centred environments Three demonstrators: Three demonstrators: –Robot Home Tour –Curious Robot –Learning Skills and Task

20 20 Science of complex systems for socially intelligent ICT EC agent project: Embodied and communicating agents Three SONY AIBOs paying attention to an object Interacting swarm-bots Can human-like language arise in communicating embodied robots ? What are the prerequisites for developing communication?

21 21 Human-computer confluence MAIA project: Direct neural control of robots Brain-computer interface Brain-computer interface To convey human intentions to a robot that implements the necessary low-level details for achieving complex tasks. To convey human intentions to a robot that implements the necessary low-level details for achieving complex tasks. Demonstrators: Demonstrators: –controlling a robot arm for manipulation tasks –handling emergency situations (e.g., braking the vehicle or retracting the robot arm).

22 22 EURON – EUROP Building the European research agenda in robotics EURON EUROP Top-down – from product scenarios to technology breakthroughs Bottom-up – from foundational science to technology breakthroughs Industrial innovation in robotics Robotics research in FP7 industrially oriented foundational - FET

23 23 EURON – European Robotics Network 180 member organisations from 25 countries 180 member organisations from 25 countriesObjectives: Research Coordination Research Coordination Joint Programme of Research Joint Programme of Research Education & Training Education & Training Industrial Links Industrial Links Dissemination Dissemination Co-ordination:KTH, Sweden

24 24 EUROP Technology Platform Contributions and endorsements by more than 70 European Industrial Players ABB AB, Acrobot Company Ltd, Alcatel Alenia Space, Alenia Aeronautica, Ansaldo, Armstrong Healthcare Ltd, Atos Origin, BAe Systems plc, Bertin Technologies, Bluebotics SA, Bosch GmbH, CEA, Cimcorp OY, CLAWAR Ltd, Comau SpA, CSEM SA, Dassault Aviation, Deltatron OY, Diehl BGT Defence, Dimer Univaq, DLR, EADS Astrium, EADS NV, ECA, Electrolux SE, ENEA, EUnited Robotics, Finmeccanica, Fransys Sas, Fraunhofer IPA, Fundacion Fatronik, Fundacion Tekniker, Genova Robot Srl, Galileo Avionica, Graal Tech, Güdel, Ikerlan, INDRA Sistemas, Hellenic Technology of Robotics, Indra Systemas SA, Israel Aircraft Industries, iTechnic Limited, K-Team SA, Kuka Roboter GmbH, Microsoft Research, Neuronics AG, OC Robotics Limited, Oxford Technologies Limited, PGES, Polo della Robotica di Genova, Philips Electronics NV, PIAP, PROFACTOR GmbH, QinetiQ plc, R U Robots Ltd, Reis Robotics, Remotec (UK) Ltd, Robosoft, Robotiker Tecnalia, Saab AB, SAGEM SA, Scisys, Seebyte Ltd, Shadow Robot Company Ltd, Sinters SA, SIRI Italian Robot Association, STMicroelectronics, Telespazio, Thales, Trasys SA, Zenon Automation Technologies, VDI/VDE -and many research institutions and universities

25 25 Funding opportunities FET Proactive Initiatives FET Proactive Initiatives –Top-down: predefined topics and objectives FET-Open FET-Open –Bottom-up (as long as ICT-related, foundational, novel, risky) First call for proposals: Jan/Feb 2007 First call for proposals: Jan/Feb 2007 –Areas called: Cognitive systems, interaction, robotics (96 M)Cognitive systems, interaction, robotics (96 M) FET proactive initiative: Bio-ICT convergence (20 M)FET proactive initiative: Bio-ICT convergence (20 M) Third call for proposals: Dec 2007 Third call for proposals: Dec 2007 –Areas called: Cognitive systems, interaction, robotics (97 M)Cognitive systems, interaction, robotics (97 M) FET proactive initiative: Complex systems (20 M)FET proactive initiative: Complex systems (20 M) FET proactive initiative: Embodied intelligence (20 M)!FET proactive initiative: Embodied intelligence (20 M)!

26 26 Additional Information FP7 FP7 FET FET Register as expert for project evaluation Register as expert for project evaluation C:\Documents and Settings\CESIS\Desktop\IASI september 2006.ppt

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