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Robot Vision Today: Reactive Control & Vision

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Presentation on theme: "Robot Vision Today: Reactive Control & Vision"— Presentation transcript:

1 Robot Vision Today: Reactive Control & Vision
Next Time: Localization & Navigation (or Where am I and How to get there? Camera-carrying robot enters Great Pyramid

2 Remote-Controlled Rats
Spectrum of Control Teleoperation: Human Control Autonomous (AI) Control Shared Human – Robot Control Remote-Controlled Rats

3 Reactive/Behavior-Based Control
Sense Act Ignores world models “The world is its own best model” Tightly couples perceptions to actions No intervening abstract representations Primitive Behaviors are used as building blocks Individual behaviors can be made up of primitive behaviors Reactive: no memory Behavior-Based: Short Term Memory (STM)

4 Reactive/Behavior-Based Control Design
Design Considerations What are the primitive behaviors? What are the individual behaviors? Individual behaviors can be made up of primitive and other individual behaviors How are behaviors grounded to sensors and actuators? How are these behaviors effectively coordinated? If more than one behavior is appropriate for the situation, how does the robot choose which to take?

5 Design for robot soccer
What primitive behaviors would you program? What individual behaviors? What situations does the robot need to recognize If the “pass behavior” is active and the “shoot behavior” is active, how does it choose?

6 Situated Activity Design
Robot actions are based on the situations in which it finds itself Robot perception is characterized by recognizing what situations it is in and choosing an appropriate action

7 Implementing Behaviors
Schema: knowledge + process Perceptual Schema :interpretation of sensory data Releasers :instantiates motor schema Motor Schema: actions to take.

8 Schema for Toad Feeding Behavior

9 Design of Behaviors represented by a State Transition Table
q Є K Set of states (behaviors) σ Є Σ Set of releasers δ Transition function s State Robot starts in q Є F Set of terminating states Trash Pick-up Example

10 Visual Representation in a Finite State Automata

11 Cooperative Coordination
Behavioral Fusion Requires the ability to concurrently use the output of more than one behavior at a time Consider what happens when a toad sees two flies Behavior Fusion via vector summation

12 Competitive Coordination
Action Selection Method Behaviors compete using an activation level The response associated with the behavior with the highest activation level wins Activation level is determined by attention (sensors) and intention (goals)

13 Competitive Coordination
Suppression Network Method Response is determined by a fixed prioritization in which a strict behavioral dominance hierarchy exists. Higher priority behaviors can inhibit or suppress lower priority behaviors.

14 Subsumption Architecture
A suppression network architecture built in layers Each layer gives the system a set of pre-wired behaviors Layers reflect a hierarchy of intelligence. Lower layers are basic survival functions (obstacle avoidance) Higher layers are more goal directed (navigation) The layers operate asynchronously (Multi-tasking) Lower layers can override the output from behaviors in the next higher level Rank ordering

15 Foraging Example

16 More Complex Example: Robot Follow a Corridor

17 Using Multiple Behaviors can require the Robot to Multi-task
Multi-tasking is having more than one computing processing run in parallel. True parallel processing requires multiple CPU’s. IC functions can be run as processes operating in parallel The computer processor is actually shared among the active processes main is always an active process Each process, in turn, gets a slice of processing time (5ms) Each process gets its own default program stack of 256bytes A process, once started, continues until it has received enough processing time to finish (or until it is “killed” by another process) Global variables are used for inter-process communications

18 IC: Functions vs. Processes
Functions are called sequentially Processes can be run simultaneously start_process(function-call); returns a process-id processes halt when function exits or parent process exits processes can be halted by using kill_process(process_id); hog_processor(); allows a process to take over the CPU for an additional 250 milliseconds, cancelled only if the process finishes or defers defer(); causes process to give up the rest of its time slice until next time More info:

19 Example.ic The robot looks left and right
If it sees RED to one side it turns to face it If it sees RED ahead it beeps If the stop button is pressed it plays a song and quits

20 Reactive: Good & Bad Works with the Open World Assumption
Provides a timely response in a dynamic environment where the environment is difficult to characterize and contains a lot of uncertainty. Unpredictable Low level intelligence Cannot manage tasks that require LTM or planning Tasks requiring localization and order dependent steps

21 Computer Vision Uses the electromagnetic spectrum to produce an image.
Visible light, x-rays, thermal, infrared

22 Representation Image: picture like format where there is a direct physical correspondence to the scene being viewed. Implies there are multiple readings in a grid Pixels: “picture element” Measure depends on the type of spectra being used Image function: converts a signal to a pixel value

23 CCD Cameras Charged-Couple device: detects visible light
Light fall on an array of metal-oxide semiconductor capacitor (MOS) Line transfer or frame transfer A/D conversion Slow frame rate Frame buffers Framegrabber

24 Representations Grayscale 8-bit 256 discrete gray values
0 black, 255 white

25 Representations Different method for representing color
RGB space: red, green, blue HSI space: hue, saturation, and intensity Hue is the dominant wavelength Saturation is the lack of whiteness Intensity is the quantity of light Linear transformation between RGB and HSI

26 Comparison of Region Segmentation

27 RGB Color Space 24 bit color (8 bits per color)

28 RGB Representations Interleaved Separate RGB values stored together
Red = image[row][col][0] Green = image[row][col][1] Blue = image[row][col][2] Separate RGB values stored as separate 2D arrays Red = image_red[row][col] Green = image_green[row][col] Blue = image_Blue[row][col]

29 Region Segmentation Identifying a region in an image with a particular color Thresholding Binary image

30 Region Segmentation

31 cmucamlib Routines To use CMU camera routines put
#use "cmucamlib.ic" at the top of your file Call init_camera(); to initialize camera before any other camera calls -- will beep and complain if HB cannot talk to camera (check the dongle switch) Use clamp_camera_yuv(); to automatically set camera for the current lighting conditions. Camera should be pointed at a white surface when this call is being made (it waits for start button to be pressed). It takes 15 seconds for this function to complete!

32 cmucamlib Routines (cont.)
Call track_blue(); & track_orange(); to check for color blobs that CMUcam can see. These functions return 0 if they find no color blob, or the confidence of the blob detected. A good confidence is 80 and up. A confidence of 4 or 5 is poor.

33 cmucamlib Routines (cont.)
The track_color information is stored in globals: track_size stores the approximate number of pixels matching in the blob track_x stores the pixel x coordinate of the centroid of the color blob track_y stores the pixel y coordinate of the color blob (note: 0,0 is the center; 40,80 is upper right and -40,-80 is lower left) track_area stores the size of the bounding rectangle of the color blob track_confidence stores the confidence for seeing the blob

34 cmucamlib Routines (cont.)
For experts: use trackRaw(…); to specify a particular color for tracking. Returns 0 if no such blob is found, -1 is there is a communication error, or the confidence. Also check out setWin(…); More details and low level functions are given in the comments at the beginning of cmucamlib.ic and cmucam3.ic

35 Example: cmucamlib-demo.ic
/* demonstrate color blob sensing for poof balls and blue paper */ #use "cmucamlib.ic" void main() { init_camera(); // initialize the camera in YUV mode clamp_camera_yuv(); // clamp camera white balance in YUV mode while(!stop_button()) { // hold down Stop for a long time if (track_blue() > 4) { // you could make this 0 bigger // number, like 80 for example printf("blue found:%d\n", track_confidence); } else if (track_orange() > 4) { printf("orange found:%d\n", track_confidence); } else { beep(); printf("nothing...\n"); } } // end while() } // end main()

36 CMUcamGUI

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