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The Struggle for Civil Rights

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1 The Struggle for Civil Rights
7 The Struggle for Civil Rights

2 Slow Burn Kennedy’s campaign was heavily targeted at black voters through his use of addressing the civil rights issue, but when elected it took him two years to actually take any action. He only won the election by an extremely small margin, and the legislation wasn’t all for his ideas. As he attempted to build laws and change the minds of those within, the ‘ink for jack’ protest was created to protest against the president’s slowness.

3 Ready or not- here I come!
However, as he attempted to carefully craft this plan for civil rights, the movement continued to move on its own. Freedom fighters appeared around the country to end segregation in 1960, being torched and attacked wherever they appeared; demonstrations and protests become more frequent and organized. Whether they were ready or not, the Kennedy administration had joined the civil rights movement lead by Martin Luther King Jr.

4 Sometimes you gotta talk
Kennedy decided it was best to go for a full attack for civil rights, and even told a group of black leaders in 1963 that “[he] may lose the election… [but he] doesn’t care”. Civil rights protests were attacked with hoses, dogs, and electric cattle prods, which horrified Kennedy. He delivered a memorable speech on June 11, 1963, and soon after King led a march on Washington and delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. Violence still continued after, but these were landmarks of progress.

5 “I Have a Dream” O- March 1963, delivered Martin Luther King Jr.
C- Describes King’s view of the current state of affairs and how he hopes someday the divide between all people will grow ever- smaller. P- To persuade those who disagree with him on the race issue to understand his point of view and give it valid consideration. V- Shows a persuasive and iconic piece from the entirety of the civil rights movement that can still be seen today. L- Set to persuade, doesn’t show the political climate and view of the general people at the time, nor does it show the extremity of the views within the civil rights movement, shows the view of most.

6 “Televised address to the Nation on June 11th, 1963”
O- Delivered by John F. Kennedy on June 11th, 1963 C- Shows the presidential view of events and his plan for looking forward. P- To address his discontent with the destruction of peaceful protests and how he views the state. V- Explains the perception of the federal government at the time while also explaining the horrific events at the time L- Does not show the influence speeches like this had, or how it affected the state of affairs moving forward.

7 O- Civil Rights Movement
C- Shows a few African Americans, one of which is preparing for school by loading a shotgun. P- Explain the explosive social climate around civil rights issues, and the measures African Americans had to take to be able to do something as normal as going to school. V- The irony shows how incredibly absurd the situation actually was at the time, especially considering a time like now. L- Small scope political cartoon, could be exaggerated for more irony.

8 Questions Develop an explanation as to why Kennedy felt as if he was pulled into the civil rights movement whether he liked it or not. Determine the benefits and setbacks of joining the Civil Rights movement for Kennedy.

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