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The Depression: The Early Years

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Presentation on theme: "The Depression: The Early Years"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Depression: The Early Years
From Hoover to Roosevelt

2 What were the economic effects of the “Crash”?
Banks Individual savings Home ownership Businesses Demand for goods Jobs

3 Initial effects Some Americans still had money, jobs…but many more did not People bartered services to survive eg: haircut for potatoes Prioritize: no soap for food on the table Public Display Soup lines Increased crime Abandoned homes


5 Residual Social Effects
HOW and WHY did economic depression cause the following: Delayed marriage Decline in birthrate More discrimination against women and immigrants More truancy from school

6 Hoover’s Response Two Beliefs: Resulting Actions
Economic outcomes are the product of character Voluntary action would compel businesses to regulate themselves Resulting Actions Cut taxes Called on state and local gov’t to respond $700 mill.for public works

7 Moderation Failed Hoover’s policies were unprecedented but still failed Depression deepened Hoovervilles Farm holidays Violent strikes Bonus Army Demonstrated March 1928 Cover…

8 Enter FDR Election 1932: Incumbent Hoover; NY governor FDR
March 1933 nation hit rock bottom Americans looking for any relief Stormy Weather Part 1

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