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Landscapes of the brain and mind

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1 Landscapes of the brain and mind
3rd MPSGC KUALA LUMPUR 2007 Landscapes of the brain and mind Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah* Complex Systems Group Department of Physics Universiti Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur *

2 3rd MPSGC The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model McCulloch-Pitts neurons: Binary: Vi = 0,1 Summed inputs: hi = Σj TijVj Theshold: Vi → H(hi-Ui)

3 3rd MPSGC The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model Network: N coupled nonlinear equations – Vi(t+τ) = H(Σj TijVj(t)-Ui) solve simultaneously!

4 3rd MPSGC The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model If
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model If exchange symmetry in synaptic strengths Tij = Tji no self-interactions Tii = 0 dynamics understood in terms of a Lyapunov function E = - ½ Σi Σj TijViVj + Σi UiVi Look: ΔE = - hi ΔVi monotone decreasing wrt neuron dynamics cf conservative forces  potential function cf spin systems (bipolar neurons, Si = 1)

5 3rd MPSGC The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model gradient descent
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model 'energy' landscape gradient descent energy minimum ≡ stable configurations Energy Configuration Energy Configuration

6 3rd MPSGC The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model Combinatorial optimization – map combinatorial choices to neuron configuration map cost function to energy function obtain synaptic weights let network relax to minimum energy configuration

7 3rd MPSGC The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 The Little-Hopfield Neural Network Model Associative memory – optimize which ‘image’ stored nearest to input ‘image’ (initial configuration) Tij := Σ(r) (2Vi (r) - 1) (2Vj (r) - 1) Ui = 0 Cooper-Hopfield prescription Check: E = - ½ Σi Σj Σ(r) (2Vi (r) - 1) (2Vj (r) - 1)ViVj minimum when Vi ~ Vi (r) spurious memories – local minima forgetting temperature – simulated annealing basins of attraction

8 3rd MPSGC Energy landscapes Minima = stable states / solutions
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 Energy landscapes Minima = stable states / solutions Global minima = good solutions Local minima = spurious states / solutions Ruggedness (measured by e.g. correlations) = difficulty in finding solution

9 3rd MPSGC Logic Programming Bird(x)Have_feathers(x),Fly(x).
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 Logic Programming Bird(x)Have_feathers(x),Fly(x). x Bird if x Have_feathers and x Fly. Fly(Tweety). Tweety Fly. Have_feathers(Tweety). Tweety Have_feather. Have_fur(Sylvester). Sylvester Have_fur. Bird(Tweety) Horn clauses – at most 1 logical atom in consequent

10 3rd MPSGC Logic Programming on Little-Hopfield networks
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 Logic Programming on Little-Hopfield networks Logic programming ~ minimization of “logical inconsistency” A ← B, C. A v ¬B v ¬C D ← B. D v ¬B C ←. C EP = ⅛(1 - SA) (1 + SB) (1 + SC) + ¼ (1 - SD) (1 + SB) + ½ (1 - SC) 3rd order bipolar neural network E = - ⅓ Σi Σj Σk Jijk(3)SiSjSk - ½ Σi Σj Jij(2)SiSj - Σi Ji(1)Si Si := sign(Σj Σk Jijk(3)SjSk + Σj Jij(2)Sj + Ji(1) )

11 translate clauses in the logic program
3rd MPSGC KUALA LUMPUR 2007 translate clauses in the logic program Logic Programming on Little-Hopfield networks Boolean algebraic form. Derive a cost function that is associated with the negation of all the clauses Obtain the values of connection strengths by comparing the cost function with the energy function Let the neural networks evolve until minimum energy is reached. The neural states provide a solution interpretation for the logic program, and the truth of a ground atom in this interpretation may be checked .

12 translate clauses in the logic program
3rd MPSGC KUALA LUMPUR 2007 Logic Programming on Little-Hopfield networks translate clauses in the logic program how rugged is landscape from logic programming? Computer simulations:… [SS & WATWA] – flat energy landscape  no satisfiability problem (all clauses can be satisfied i.e. solution always guaranteed)

13 3rd MPSGC Satisfiability
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 Satisfiability In general, general CNF clauses (conjuctions of disjunctions) not necessarily satisfiable - depends on number of atoms in disjunctions number of disjunctions number of distinct atoms Exist phase transition from easily soluble problems to difficult problems [Zecchina & Monasson]

14 3rd MPSGC Can 'knowledge' may be associated with the energy landscape?
KUALA LUMPUR 2007 Can 'knowledge' may be associated with the energy landscape? What is knowledge? ? How ingrained are logical rules in neural network – “ingrainedness”: GX←Y,Z = < E({Si} satisfying X←Y,Z ) - E({Si} not satisfying X←Y,Z ) > Can this be related to landscape ruggedness e.g. correlations?

15 3rd MPSGC KUALA LUMPUR 2007 Terima kasih

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