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Final Project: Marketing Promotion

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1 Final Project: Marketing Promotion
Team: D.S. 余柔誼 梁容容 馬瑞雲 蔡易群 蔡興翰

2 Introduction Domino’s pizza is an international pizza delivery corporation It was the second-largest pizza chain behind Pizza Hut The first Domino’s pizza in Taiwan opened on November, 1989, since then the brand had become the leading brand of delivery pizza.

3 Problems The business crisis occurring currently has made people reduce their expenditure on parties and gatherings. Domino’s sales are decreasing, and have become much worse than before. Customers prefer Pizza Hot more than Domino’s Pizza.

4 Methodology Our target sample for this research consists of NCTU students 30 questionnaires will be distributed around the campus randomly. We applied to the T-tests and gave general explanations on our questionnaires

5 3 types of innovative themes
Theme A: ‘Meal’ Theme B: ‘Bar’ Theme C: ‘DIY’

6 Theme A: ‘Meals’ Similar to McDonald’s, Domino’s Pizza offers combo meals. Apart from the main dish ‘pizza’, which comes in different sizes, there are side dishes such as fried chicken, French Fries, salad, soft drinks, breakfast items, and desserts. Fig.1: A McDonald’s combo meal. (2009/06/22) (This picture is taken by us, and so we reserve the right of this picture.)

7 Theme B: ‘Bar’ Different flavors of freshly-baked pizzas are displayed on a counter along with some side- along dishes Customers can just grab a tray and pick any amount of food they want, then pay for it at the checkout counter, both time-saving and convenient. Fig.2: A roadside food stand. (2009/6/22) (This picture is taken by us, and so we reserve the right of this picture.)

8 Theme C: ‘DIY’ Similar to Subways, samples of the ingredients of the pizza are displayed behind the counter. Customers choose how many pieces and the sizes of pizza they want first, and then tell the clerk what ingredients they want. After that, the freshly-made pizza(s) would be put in the oven for baking. Fig.3 : Counter of ingredients being displayed in Subways. (2009/6/22) (This picture is taken by us, and so we reserve the right of this picture.)

9 Hypotheses Students of NCTU would want to make pizza purchases as an individual. If pizza is sold to customers in singular slices, their desire to purchase would increase. Among the three kinds of promotion samples, ‘Theme A : meals ‘ is the preference among NCTU students.

10 Hypothesis 1: Students of NCTU would want to make pizza purchases as an individual.
Question 1: Do you know “Domino’s Pizza?” Fig.4 : The percentage of NCTU students who have ever heard of Domino’s Pizza.

11 Have you ever ordered ’Domino’s Pizza’ ?
Question 2: Have you ever ordered ’Domino’s Pizza’ ? Fig.5: The percentage of whether or not NCTU students have ever ordered Domino’s Pizza.

12 According to the first and second question, we know that every NCTU students know Domino’s Pizza, and 93% NCTU students have ordered Domino’s Pizza. We can conclude that Domino’s Pizza is well-known among NCTU students.

13 How many slices of pizza do you need in order to
Question 3: How many slices of pizza do you need in order to be satisfied? In average, how many slices of pizza do you have when sharing pizza with other people. We compare the answers of these two questions, and then conclude the degree of satisfaction when NCTU students have pizzas in group. Fig.6: Each segment means the percentage of how NCTU students feel when sharing pizza with other people.

14 There are 67%, which is a big portion, NCTU students who are still hungry after they have pizza with others. It is evident that they need to buy more slices of pizza by themselves after having pizzas in group.

15 It is a common thought that everyone want to get their favorite.
Question 4: When consuming in group form, have you ever felt divested from choosing your favorite flavor of pizza because of others? It is a common thought that everyone want to get their favorite. We can see there are 57% NCTU students wanting to have their favorite flavor of pizza but they can’t. They have to compromise with other people in the group. If they order pizza alone, there will be no such problem. Fig.7: The percentage of whether or not students ever find that their in flavor is limited when in a group order for pizza.

16 Question 5: Have you ever give up ordering pizza because you cannot find other persons having pizza with you? There are 73% NCTU students who want to eat pizza, but as a result of the size of one pizza, they always have to ask other people to share with. If they cannot find any people to share with, they give up the thought to order pizza. It’s a pity that so many students cannot have pizza alone and in other way, pizza shops miss the opportunities to make profits. Fig.8: Percentage segments of NCTU students of whether or not they have ever gave up due to not having ganged up enough person.

17 Hypothesis 2 If pizza is sold to customers in singular slices, students’ desire to purchase would increase. “Very attractive/important” = ’5’ “attractive/important” = ’4’ “So-so” = 3 “Not attractive/not important” = ’2’ ”Not attractive/not important at all” = ‘1’

18 Question 1: Does this idea sound appealing to you and therefore would make you willing to make a purchase? Fig.9: The proportion of how consumers are attracted by pizza sold in singular slices.

19 Table 1: Statistics of T-test when test value is 3
Very attractive Attractive So-so Not attractive Not attractive at all Total Score 5 4 3 2 1 --- Count(n) 9 17 30(N) Weighted score(xi) 36 51 6 98 Average( ) σ 2=

20 Table 2: Statistics of T-test when test value is 3
df Level of sig. (two-tail) 95% Confidence interval Lower bound Upper bound attractiveness 2.1122 29 .05

21 Analysis More than half of NCTU students who answered this question doesn’t show much enthusiasm to the idea of selling pizza in singular slices. We think the reason is that the students here in NCTU might not yet be ready to change their perceptions of eating pizza, and have not yet put too much thought on this new experience.

22 What kind of reason would make you come and purchase this new product?
Question 2: What kind of reason would make you come and purchase this new product? Factor 1: A pizza personally tailored for the customer. Fig.10: The percentage segments of what the students think of factor 1.

23 Table 3: Statistics of T-test when test value is 3.
Very important Important So-so Not important Not important at all total Score 5 4 3 2 1 --- Count(n) 11 30(N) Weighted score(xi) 20 44 33 8 105 Average( ) σ2= 3.5

24 Analysis More than 50 percent of NCTU students seem to like the idea of a pizza especially tailored for them. We think this is maybe due to the fact that this is a whole new type of pizza-eating experience.

25 Factor 2: Customers can choose freely among any flavors.
Fig.11: The percentage segments of what the students think of factor 2.

26 Table 4: Statistics of T-test when test value is 3.
Very important Important So-so Not important Not important at all total Score 5 4 3 2 1 --- Count(n) 8 16 30(N) Weighte d score(xi) 40 64 12 120 Average( ) σ2=

27 Analysis More than 90 percent of NCTU students think that the idea of being able to choose freely among pizza flavors is important. We conclude that this, on some level, have something to do with people feeling limited in selecting flavors when in a group order for pizza.

28 Factor 3: You can choose the amount of pizza you feel fit.
Fig.12: The percentage segments of what the students think of factor 3.

29 Table 5: Statistics of T-test when test value is 3.
Very important Important So-so Not important Not important at all total Score 5 4 3 2 1 --- Count(n) 11 9 7 30(N) Weighted score(xi) 55 36 21 116 Average( ) σ2=

30 Analysis More than 67 percent of NCTU students find that whether or not they can choose the amount of pizza they personally prefer important. We can conclude the fact that in normal occasions, students do find that sometimes there is too much and sometimes there is too little pizza to eat.

31 ( No need to rally several people in order to order a pizza)
Factor 4: Convenient ( No need to rally several people in order to order a pizza) Fig.13: The percentage segments of what the students think of factor 3.

32 Table 6: Statistics of T-test when test value is 3
Very important Important So-so Not important Not important at all Total Score 5 4 3 2 1 --- Count(n) 10 13 30(N) Weighted score(xi) 50 52 12 118 Average( ) σ2=

33 Table 7: Comparison of the 4 factors.
Test value=3 T* df T Mean 1. 3.0422 29 1.699 3.5 2. 6.5954 4 3. 4.0690 4. 4.5968 Table 7: Comparison of the 4 factors.

34 Hypothesis 3 Among the three kinds of promotion samples,
‘sample A : meals ‘ is the preference among NCTU students.

35 Fig.14: The percentage segments of what the students think of
theme ‘meals’.

36 Fig.15: The percentage segments of what the students think of
theme ‘bar’.

37 Fig.16: The percentage segments of what the students think of
theme ‘DIY’.

38 Comparison table of the three promotions
Table 8: Statistics of T-test when test value is 2. Test value=2 T df P value Mean Promotion A 2.0941 29 0.0268 Promotion B 2.4631 0.0100 Promotion C 1.5094 0.1256

39 Analysis Promotion A and B both have T test larger than t0.05, therefore, Promotion A and Promotion B could work according to the 95% confidence level. However, Promotion C has a t value less than t0.05, so Promotion C may not work according to the 95% confidence level.

40 Summary Hypothesis 1 Students of NCTU would want to make pizza
purchases as an individual. →True. Hypothesis 2 If pizza is sold to customers in singular slices, students’ desire to purchase would increase. Hypothesis 3 Among the three kinds of promotion samples, ‘sample A : meals ‘ is the preference among NCTU students. →False. Students preferred ‘sample B’ most.

41 Conclusion Individual pizza can be promoted, and the ‘buffet ‘ form is the most popular among NCTU students.

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