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12 量子物理 How did the electric guitar revolutionize rock?

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Presentation on theme: "12 量子物理 How did the electric guitar revolutionize rock?"— Presentation transcript:

1 12 量子物理 How did the electric guitar revolutionize rock?
From acoustic to electric guitars

2 Sections 電磁感應 物質的磁性 電磁波

3 12-1.1 Two symmetric Situations
current loop + magnetic field → torque torque + magnetic field → current

4 12-1.1 Photon and Matter Waves
Light Waves and Photons

5 The Photoelectric Effect

6 The experiment First Experiment – the stopping potential Vstop
Second Experiment – the cutoff frequency f0

7 The graph

8 The Photoelectric Equation

9 Compton Effect

10 實驗圖表 The loose end: the peak at the incident wavelength is due to the tightly bound electrons.

11 圖示

12 Energy and momentum conservation

13 Frequency shift

14 12-1.3 Light as a Probability Wave
The standard version

15 The Single-Photon Version
The single-photon, double-slit experiment is a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics - Richard Feynman

16 The Single-Photon, Wide-Angle Version

17 Light is generated in the source as photons
Light is absorbed in the detector as photons Light travels between source and detector as a probability wave

18 39-6 Electrons and Matter Waves
The de Broglie wave length



21 39-7 Schrodinger’s Equation
Matter waves and the wave function The probability (per unit time) is 

22 The Schrodinger Equation from A Simple Wave Function


24 40 More on Matter Waves 40-2 Waves on Strings and Matter Waves

25 Confinement of a Wave leads to Quantization – discrete states and discrete energies
40-3 Trapping an Electron

26 Finding the Quantized Energies

27 The Energy Levels The Zero-Point Energy

28 The Wave Function and Probability Density


30 Normalization (歸一化) 40-4 A Finite Well


32 40-5 More Electron Traps Nanocrystallites

33 Quantum Dots

34 Quantum Corral

35 40-6 The Hydrogen Atom The Energies


37 Bohr’s Theory of the Hydrogen Atom
Quantum Numbers for the Hydrogen Atom

38 The Ground State Wave Function

39 Quantum Numbers for the Hydrogen Atom

40 The Ground State Dot Plot


42 N=2, l=0, ml=0

43 N=2, l=1


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