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Thermodynamics Atmosphere

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Presentation on theme: "Thermodynamics Atmosphere"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermodynamics Atmosphere
Solar Radiation and the Global Budget

2 Solar and Terrestrial Radiation
Stefan – Boltzmann Law

3 Solar and Terrestrial Radiation
Stefan – Boltzmann Law Estimate the solar constant

4 Solar and Terrestrial Radiation
Wien’s law What is max?

5 Solar and Terrestrial Radiation
Wien’s law What would be the temperature of the Earth (assuming black body)?

6 Solar and Terrestrial Radiation
Wien’s law What would be the temperature of the Earth (assuming a 30% albedo)?

7 Solar and Terrestrial Radiation
Wien’s law What is the mean temperature of the Earth (at the surface)?

8 Solar and Terrestrial Radiation
Wien’s law What is max for the Earth?

9 Solar and Terrestrial Radiation
Wien’s law What is max for the Earth?

10 Distance from the sun

11 Distance from the sun What is the impact on the solar constant?

12 Tilt of the Earth

13 Tilt of the Earth Axis & Day length

14 Tilt of the Earth Axis & Altitude of the sun

15 Altitude of the Sun Spread of light Amount of Atmosphere

16 Tilt of the Earth Axis & Seasons
Total amount of energy

17 Day of the Year & Altitude & Length of day
Difference in radiation at solar peak between summer and winter solstice?

18 Latitude & Length of day & Altitude

19 Altitude of the Sun Hour of the day

20 Latitude & Seasons

21 Mechanisms of heat transfer

22 Mechanisms of heat transfer

23 Thermodynamic properties of water

24 Shortwave radiation Absorption, reflection and scattering

25 Shortwave radiation: albedo

26 Shortwave budget How do you obtain the incoming solar radiation?

27 Earth’s Energy budget: overall balance
How do you obtain the incoming solar radiation?

28 Earth’s Energy budget: overall balance
What about the entropy balance?


30 Latitudinal heat balance

31 Earth’s Energy budget: the surface balance

32 Absorption of radiation

33 Earth’s Energy budget: the atmosphere balance


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