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KIRKHILL CHATTER 11.11.16 Let’s get it right!.

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Presentation on theme: "KIRKHILL CHATTER 11.11.16 Let’s get it right!."— Presentation transcript:

1 KIRKHILL CHATTER Let’s get it right!

2 Feedback time

3 Kirkhill Chatter 1 Feedback
8 / 11 responses returned from KC1

4 Kirkhill Chatter 1 Feedback
Question 1- Do you think it is important to know how well you have done in learning? 8/8 responses answered- YES

5 Kirkhill Chatter 1 Feedback
Question 2- Pupil responses- How do we find out how we’ve done in our learning? Methods Used Number of Responses Teacher Tells Us 7 2 Stars And A Wish 5 Fist Of Five 1 Rewards 4 Stamps And Stickers 6 Self Assessment 3 Comments On Work

6 Kirkhill Chatter 1 Feedback
Question 2- Pupil responses- How do we find out how we’ve done in our learning? Methods Used Number of Responses Friend Feedback 3 Traffic Lights 2 Dojo Points 5 Parents’ Night Sharing Our Learning Success Criteria 1 No response

7 Kirkhill Chatter 1 Feedback
Question 2- Pupil responses- How do we find out how we’ve done in our learning? Comments- ‘Good to know what others think’ ‘Not always critical enough with own work so need a friend to assess’ ‘Success Criteria is good as it tells you what you need to do’ ‘Someone in your class might be wrong in what they think’

8 How many different rights can you name?
Our RIGHTS How many different rights can you name? Does your class have a class charter? Do you have articles on your displays? Who has rights? When do you hear about your rights? Do you ever have lessons just on rights?

9 Do you think it is important to have rights?
Our RIGHTS Do you think it is important to have rights? Do you feel as if your rights are met in school?

10 Who Wants to be a Millionaire ?
15 £1,000,000 14 £ 500,000 13 £ 250,000 12 £ 125,000 11 £ ,000 Who Wants to be a Millionaire ? 10 £ ,000 9 £ ,000 8 £ ,000 7 £ ,000 6 £ ,000 5 £ ,000 4 £ 3 £ 2 £ 1 £

11 The United Nations, rights of the child is
available to: Ask the audience Phone a friend Children who are well behaved All children under 18 A B All children under 16 Only children who live in Scotland C D

12 A-All children under 18 You have won £500

13 Which one of these is NOT a right?
Ask the audience Phone a friend Right to a name Right to clean water A B Right to nutritious food Right to pocket money C D

14 D- Right to pocket money
You have won £1000 £100 £200

15 Which one of the statements below is true?
Ask the audience Phone a friend Children should never say what they think. Children have the right to say what they think should happen A B Children don’t have a say in their own lives Children should never question adults C D

16 B- Children have the right to say
what they think should happen You have won £2000

17 Children have these rights:
Ask the audience Phone a friend When adults say they can have them Only if they go to school A B Always because they are children Only if they ask for them C D

18 C- Children have these rights simply because they are children, and they cannot be permanently taken away. £5000 You win £4000

19 Primary Education should be
available for : Ask the audience Phone a friend Children who live in rich countries All children and Young People A B Boys only Girls only C D

20 B- All children and Young People have a right to a primary education, which should be free.
You have won £10,000

21 Our RIGHTS The Rights Respecting Group would like to share something they have been working on………


23 Now give it a go!

24 1,2 a 1,2,3,4 Our rights are very important. We know that, yes we do. And we would like to share them with you.

25 At Kirkhill School we know our rights
And we think You should too!

26 We have the right to play and learn and have some healthy food.
We have the right to privacy and our own identity. We have the right to an opinion and to be kept safe.

27 So don’t forget these golden rules!
1,2 a 1,2,3,4 Our rights are very important We know that, yes we do. And we would like to share them with you.

28 At Kirkhill School we know our rights
And we think You should too!

29 BRAINSTORM TIME Can you think of any ideas that we could do as a school to let people know more about their rights?

30 Thank you for sharing your ideas today about RIGHTS.

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