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Campbell Union High School District

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1 Campbell Union High School District
By Artist: Harry Brooker Campbell Union High School District Board Review First Interim Report December 8,2016

2 Overview Purpose of First Interim Report
First Interim Report Certification Review First Interim Report General Fund Overall Revenue and Expenditure Differences Multiyear Projections District Reserves All Other Funds Upcoming Budget Events

3 Purpose The purpose of the First Interim is to present changes from the July 1st Adopted Budget Reporting Period July 1 thru October 31, 2016 4 Months

DISTRICT WILL RECEIVE POSITIVE CERTIFICATION The district has the 6% reserve in the current year and two subsequent fiscal years, and

5 Overall Revenue Differences

6 Explanation of Differences-Revenue
Property Tax Revenue Increase $816,433 Federal Funding Overall Decrease -$44,489 Special Education Discretion Discretionary Grant Reduction, Vocational and Applied Technology Ed State Funding Decrease -$960,373 Mandated Cost Reimbursement, Career Technical Education Incentive Other Local Income $266,597 Reduction in Local Revenue and Leases and Rentals Total: -$455,026

7 Overall Expenditure Differences

8 Explanation of Differences-Expenditures
Cost Shifts Between Certificated and Classified $328,469 Reclassification of staff net savings Over projection of estimated H&W benefits cost -$1,608,546 Decrease in Books and Supplies -$ 994,130 Textbook Adoption Cost Transferred to Mandated Cost One time Funds Increased Operating Expenses $1,016,186 Repairs, Legal Expenses, Insurance Cost QTEL and Expansion of Professional Development Capital Outlay $ ,933 Moved to Capital Improvement Fund 400 Other Outgo $ ,127 Indirect Cost from Adult Ed Fund -$ ,777 Transfers Out Only to Food Services -$ 1,169,653 Total -$3,643,449


Current Year Budget Assumptions Tax Revenue Projection Increase 6.7% Average Daily Attendance Certificated Staff -Added 5 FTE College and Career Personnel -Added 5 FTE Classified Management – Added 2 FTE Certificated Management – Added 1 FTE Includes 6% Salary Increase for CHSTA and CSEA Includes H&W benefits District Increased Contribution Includes Step & Column for both Certificated 1.52% and Classified 2.52% Staff Includes STRS 12.58% and PERS 20.05% Increase in Contribution District Reserve 6.27%

Budget Assumptions Tax Revenue Projection of 5% Average Daily Attendance Includes 4 Certificated FTE Includes Step & Column for both Certificated 1.52% and Classified 2.52% staff Includes increase in STRS 14.43% and PERS contributions 23.6% District Reserve 6.09%

  Budget Assumptions Tax Revenue Projection Increase 5% Average Daily Attendance Includes Step & Column for both Certificated 1.52% and Classified 2.25% staff Includes Increase in STRS 16.28% and PERS 25.2% contributions District Reserve 6.00%

13 District Reserves 2016-2017 Beginning Fund Balance $ 12,654,314
Increase in Fund Balance ,139,810 Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 15,794,124 Designation (Parcel Tax & Restoration and Exp.) $ 10,066,096 Reserve 6.27% $ 5,728,028 Beginning Fund Balance $ 15,794,124 Increase in Fund Balance ,954 Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 16,656,078 Designation (Parcel Tax & Restoration and Exp.) $ 10,959,902 Reserve % $ 5,696,176 Beginning Fund Balance $ 16,656,078 Projected Ending Fund Balance ,017,053 Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 17,673,131 Designation (Parcel Tax & Restoration and Exp.) $ 11,756,895 Reserve % $ 5,916,236


15 Upcoming Budget Events
January Governor announces Budget Plan Board Adopts Budget Development Calendar Jan – Feb Prepare Enrollment and Staffing Projections for School Year March – May Work with LCAP groups to prepare budget June Present Budget to Board for Adoption

16 Board Questions

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