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Matter has mass and takes up space ????What is Energy????

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Presentation on theme: "Matter has mass and takes up space ????What is Energy????"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter has mass and takes up space ????What is Energy????
Energy vs Matter Matter has mass and takes up space ????What is Energy????

2 Energy is the ability to do work
It can move something It can heat something up It can make particles jump and move faster It can stimulate our senses Light is a form of energy What are some other forms of energy?

3 Light and the electromagnetic spectrum
Light moves in waves. These waves move in a straight line. Lightwaves are the fastest thing we know. Light travels at 300,000km/sec This is what a light wave looks like.

4 Light waves come in different sizes
Long waves travel far (radio waves) Short waves penetrate (ultra violet waves) Middle sized waves we can see (visible light) Each colour is a different wave length

5 All together they make up the electromagnetic spectrum

6 What happens when light hits something?
If light hits something transparent, like glass, it goes right through. It is transmitted. Sometimes it bends a little. (more about this refraction next year)

7 What happens when light hits something?
If it hits something that is opaque like a black cloth it is absorbed. The light makes the particles move faster and is changed to heat. If light hits a green leaf only the red and blue light is absorbed. The green and yellow bounce back at you. They are Reflected. This is why leaves look green.

8 What happens when light hits something?
If light hits a shiny surface like a mirror or snow it all bounces back. This is called Reflection.

9 Characteristics of light lets sum it up
Light is a form of energy. Light can be transformed into heat. It travels at the speed of light (really fast). It travels in a straight line. It travels in waves. The visible light is the part of the EMS that we can see. ROYGBIV Light can be transmitted, absorbed, or reflected Light can come from a natural source or a man made source.

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