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Learning Intention: 8.LS4.5

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1 Learning Intention: 8.LS4.5
Science 8th Grade Standard 13 Learning Intention: 8.LS4.5 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the technologies that have changed the way humans use artificial selection to influence the inheritance of desired traits in other organisms. Terms to Investigate artificial selection, inheritance, traits, and organisms Success Criteria I will show that I understand this standard by earning a high score on the formative assessment (quiz). I Can Statement By the end of this unit I will be able to say... ...I can explain how humans use artificial selection.

2 Phenomenon How did dogs comes from wolves?
Get in groups. Maybe do some online research. Discuss.

3 What are some advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection?
Questions for Students to Answer 1) What is artificial selection? (Also called selective breeding) 2) How are dogs able to have so many different sizes and shapes? 3) Why did humans selectively breed dogs? (For what purpose?) 4) Identify three other animals that we have selectively bred. What are some advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection?

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