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School Counselor Summer Institute Technical Assistance Conference NEWESD101/Spokane PS/OSPI June 27, 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "School Counselor Summer Institute Technical Assistance Conference NEWESD101/Spokane PS/OSPI June 27, 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Counselor Summer Institute Technical Assistance Conference NEWESD101/Spokane PS/OSPI
June 27, 2018

2 Kristen Wong-Callisto
Welcome: Dianna Harrington NEWESD101 Scott Kerwien Spokane Public Schools Keynote Speaker: Kristen Wong-Callisto OSPI Director, System Improvement 5/4/2019 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

3 Announcements/Housekeeping
WiFi Password = Be sure to sign in for clock hours documentation Clock hour forms available this afternoon (NEW!) on-line evaluation or paper survey All handouts are on Resource tables OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019

4 System & School Improvement
Announcing New Leadership! System & School Improvement Study Who needs support? Support What tiered supports are available? Serve How will tiered supports be deployed effectively? Kristen Wong-Callisto OSPI Director, System Improvement System and School Improvement Kim Reykdal OSPI Program Supervisor Lead School Counseling OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019 5/4/2019 4

5 Today’s Agenda @WSCATweets
9:15-10:15am Breakout Session 1 10:15-10:30am Transition – Stop by the Resource Tables!  10:30-11:30am Breakout Session 2 11:30am-12:15pm (Net)working Lunch / Resource Tables 12:15-12:45pm WSAC Recognition & School Counseling Updates 12:45-1:00pm Transition – Last Chance to stop by staffed Resource Tables!  1:00-2:00pm Breakout Session 3 2:00-2:15pm Transition – Snacks available between sessions 2:15-3:15pm Breakout Session 4 – look for ed link to evaluation survey 3:30-4:00pm Concluding Remarks, Evaluations and Clock Hours in main auditorium @WSCATweets OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019

6 Resource Tables – Welcome Partners!
WSIPC High School & Beyond Planner ACT & College Board WA College Access Network (WCAN) Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board Department of Health Boeing Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction WA Student Achievement Council State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) Ready WA

7 Every Student Succeeds Act
Kristen Wong-Callisto: Assistant Superintendent, Office of System and School Improvement (OSSI) Every Student Succeeds Act Pursuing Equity through Closing Gaps Continuous Improvement for All Schools Obtain and Retain Effective Educators Flexibility on Use of Resources OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019

8 NEWESD 101 Spokane PS & OSPI Summer Institute
(Net)Working Lunch Updates

9 Legislative/Policy Updates
HB 1377 – Mental Health Collaboration Clarified roles for School Counselors, Social Workers, and Psychs w/in a Multi-Tiered System of Support By , WITHIN EXISTING RESOURCES, requires school districts over 2,000 students to provide a minimum of 6 HOURS of professional collaboration per year, for these ESAs and (preferably) community agencies/counselors, focused on mental/behavioral health HB 2686 – HSBP updates Updated MINIMUM requirements to include: Identification of Career Goals (NEW! - by 7th or 8th Grade) Identification of Educational Goals 4-year Course Plan (meets grad reqs and aligns w/ “Personalized Pathway”/post-HS plan) Resume or Activity Log Templates in 9 languages! Include parents! OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019 HSBP Template can be found at:

10 Legislative/Policy Updates
HB 1293 – College Bound Scholarship (CBS) – Counselor / Administrator Signature Beginning this fall, if multiple, DOCUMENTED attempts have been made (phone, , snail mail) to secure a parent/guardian signature on the CBS to no avail, a School Counselor or Administrator may “witness the student’s pledge to the CBS” Must be sure parent is not against the student’s participation Updates from the Council of Presidents (representing the Wa. public baccalaureates) ESB 5917 (2018) Requires colleges to review their IB/Cambridge credit awarding policies for exam scores and post an updated policy to their website by Fall 2018 ESB 5234 (2017) Required the same for AP exam scores (new policies should already be posted) SBAC Policy change: Students completing BEFORE 2018 may be exempted from remedial coursework if they meet criteria OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019

11 Legislative/Policy Updates
2SHB 1896 – Expanding Civics Education Class of 2016 and beyond credit of US History; 1.0 credit of “Contemporary” World History, Geography and Problems (often “Current World Problems”); and .5 of Civics / .5 Social Studies Elective Required Civics content: Wa St and US Constitutions Fed/St/local/govt organization/procedures Current issues (all levels) Electoral issues By the school year – a mandatory .5 stand-alone credit in Civics Exemption: Related Dual credit courses with Civics content Adds following 2 requirements to existing 4 requirements: Study/Complete civics component of federal naturalization test Values/character traits of civic responsibility OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019

12 Superintendent Reykdal’s Long-Term Vision
All students prepared for post-secondary pathways, careers and civic engagement Superintendent Reykdal’s Long-Term Vision OSPIs MISSION is to “transform K-12 education to a system that is centered on closing opportunity gaps and is characterized by high expectations for all students and educators. We achieve this by developing equity-based policies and supports that empower educators, families and communities.” Ensuring Equity Collaboration and Service Achieving Excellence through Continuous Improvement Focus on the Whole Child . 5/4/2019 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

13 Title IV, Part A: Student Support/Acad
Title IV, Part A: Student Support/Acad. Enrichment Federal Funding Update – There’s More $!  Well-rounded education Improve school climate (safe & healthy students) Improve use of technology/digital literacy How do I Access These Funds? Formula-based $ goes to District (Prelim allocations at iGrant #211 will be available early July (MUST INDICATE HOW $ WILL BE USED!) Overview of Program is at For , Title IV, Part A received $1.1 Billion (up from $400M in 17-18); WA received $15.5M (up from $6M!) In order to maximize the use of Title IV, Part A funding, programs and activities: Must be coordinated with other school and community-based services, and May be conducted in partnership with institutions of higher education and other entities. LEAs may apply for funds as a consortium and implement programs across districts. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019

14 Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Program Model Elementary, Middle & High School
Academic Achievement: Evidence-Based School Counseling Career and College Readiness: Personalized Planning for ALL students Social/Emotional Support: Student Mental/Behavioral Health and SEL Support Resources School Counselors are unique leaders in elementary, middle, and high schools, because they work with the whole child in the realms of academic, career and college, and social emotional support. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and WA School Counselor Association continue to partner to help make your work less stressful and uncomplicated by creating and providing information, resources, and professional development. We have a questions box, so if you think of things you want to ask about on today’s webinar, please type in your questions, and we will pause to answer or few or the answer back to you. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019

15 What Might be Some Benefits of the Model?
Helps counselors close the achievement gap Fosters advocacy for all students Improves school climate Increases collaboration among various stakeholders Supports the school’s mission and improvement plan Why to we why we have a WA School Counselor Model. It… Eliminates role confusion Defines professional practice Ensures equitable access and support for all students And Identifies the knowledge and skills all students will acquire. We believe that with the work that WSCA is doing around the school counselor evaluation and the example of the evaluation that is provided, we can help administrators, teachers, student, parents, and the community know more about the work of school counselors.

16 Using a Tiered Service Model with all 3 domains..?
The Multi-tiered, Multi-Domained System of Support OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5/4/2019 Dr. Trish Hatch, 4/8/2017 San Diego State University, Hatching Results

17 Save the Dates: Training for School Counselors .
Wa Council Fall Tour Dates: Sept. 10th  - Spokane Community College Sept. 11th  - WSU Tri-Cities Sept. 12th  - University of Washington-Bothell Sept. 13th  - Seattle Pacific University Sept. 14th  - Wenatchee Valley College Sept. 17th  - The Evergreen State College Sept. 18th  - Western Washington University Sept. 19th  - Pacific Lutheran University Sept. 20th  - WSU Vancouver TENTATIVE WSAC-OPSI Webinar Series: Oct. 4th - Financial Aid/FAFSA/WASFA/12th Year Cam. Nov. 7th - Post-HS Application Process for ALL Students Dec. 5th - Mental Health & Social/Emotional Supports Jan. 23rd - Elementary/Middle School Resources Feb. 6th - HS & Beyond Plan (incl. non-college focus) Mar. 6th - Dual Credit (2-yr college resources) Apr. 17th - College Signing Day/Transition/Summer Melt Final Schedule and Registration links coming soon! WA School Counselor Association continues to lead efforts for professional development and with the counselor evaluation. WSCA Conference continues to have about 800+ counselors attend. The Summer Institute was created as a technical assistance conference, not a repeat of the WSCA conference, to showcase updates for school counselors from state agency staff and offer free resources. There are no vendors or presentations about specific programs. We are working on the Summer Institute venue and dates that will serve all counselors in eastern, central and western WA, based on feedback and evaluation from the Olympia and Spokane events from last June.

18 Keeping up with the latest news.… a DRAFT Proposal
Our Communication Strategy is Changing for ! OSPI “News and More for School Counselors”  OSSI Monthly Newsletter Sent via GovDelivery 1st Monday of every month Table of Contents will make finding relevant information easier  Current listserv will be transferred in, but can opt out . OSSI “News Flash” Sent via GovDelivery no more than 1x per week in between newsletters Must be time sensitive, due date related, and minimal content May include news from other agencies and/or OSPI divisions How to we know about new information? OSPI School Counselor Website OSPI Counselor Listserv We will pause to answer questions you have submitted. Thank you for attending the webinar and for the worthwhile and important work you do each day for students and staff in your school. 5/4/2019

19 OSSIs New Home Page: Increasing Web-based Supports for K-12!



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