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Rural development and Maritime Policy statistics

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1 Rural development and Maritime Policy statistics
Item 8.1 State of play of socio economics data used for Rural development and Maritime Policy statistics Oct-2011

2 Plan Introduction General framework of Rural development and Maritime Policy statistics Rural development statistics, examples Integrated Maritime Policy statistics, examples Summary Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

3 Introduction In recent years, demand for reliable small-area estimates has increased greatly worldwide due to Growing use made of them in formulating policies and programmes Allocating government funds Regional planning Small-area business decisions etc. This is especially the case for the data needed on Rural development statistics Integrated maritime policy statistics Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

4 General framework of Rural development and Maritime Policy statistics
The domains focus on socio economic fields including Demography Labour market, employment Education Economic accounts, economic activities etc. The geographic areas for these domains use data at national, sub-national level including Data at NUTS3 level Precise geo-spatial data such as geographical coordinates of equipments (e.g.: port, school) In order to calculate appropriate statistical indicators Increase the availability of basic information at fine geographical level Basic information may be used in order to estimate indicators or aggregates, depending on the reliability of the data Develop small-areas statistics methodology and spatial analysis Not elsewhere included n.e.i. Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

5 Rural development statistics
Rural development statistics aim to measure economic, social and environmental issues related to rural areas. They give an insight into the specific features of the regions (NUTS3) in the light of their rural/urban types The domain use the new rural/urban typology which split the regions at NUTS3 level Predominantly rural regions Intermediate regions Predominantly urban regions The list of indicators/variables for rural development statistics, as agreed at the meeting of the Working Party on Rural Development on However, Eurostat don't currently have all the basic information in order to estimate all the indicators DG AGRI presents an annual report on rural development statistics, including socio-economic including indicators based on Eurostat data Functional mailbox for Rural development Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

6 Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

7 Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

8 Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

9 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development
Source: Eurostat (online data codes: demo_pjangroup and estimation) Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

10 Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

11 Integrated Maritime Policy statistics
Maritime policy statistics aim to measure economic, social and environmental issues related to maritime regions and maritime sectors. They are a horizontal domain in statistics from a geographical and sectoral point of view Three main fields Coastal regions 446 regions defined at NUTS3 level Statistics on coastal regions aim to highlight their specific features, compared with national level, and to estimate their weight in terms of population, employment and the economy Basins Geographic entities made up maritime areas and coastal regions bordering these areas Basin statistics aim to give an overview of the maritime activities based on a specific sea region and the socio-economic profile of the bordering regions Maritime sector(s) — ongoing work: The ‘maritime sector’ is made up of the activities linked to the sea Statistics on the maritime sector focus on employment and economic indicators Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

12 Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

13 Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

14 Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

15 Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

16 Summary Improve data availability at NUTS3 level
Develop a regional inventory Develop small-areas statistics methodology and spatial analysis Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

17 Thank you for your attention

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