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ETMS Data Analysis tool

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Presentation on theme: "ETMS Data Analysis tool"— Presentation transcript:

1 ETMS Data Analysis tool
Katerina Jupova GISAT

2 Analytical tool prototype
Prototype available at: Optimized for Google Chrome 2

REGIONS and THEMES selection of: themes and indicators specific for each region type defined by: REGIONS x THEMES MATRIX 3

4 INDICATORS for each region (sub-)type, specific set of indicators defined for each THEME 4

5 Demonstration of functionality
comparison of units (also at different hierarchical levels) selection of units in map, tree or chart comparison of indicator values for different years 5

6 Demonstration of functionality
Sorting values Comparison with average value of the sample Filtering indicator values 6

7 Demonstration of functionality
scatter chart 2D comparison, correlations …. trend visualisation 7

8 Demonstration of functionality
carthograms 8

9 Demonstration of functionality
Data used for demonstration: GEOSPECS data received from UNIGE UrbanAudit data Themes used for demonstration: with help of MATRIX published in ETMS Interim Report Indicator values are not real, they are intended only for demonstration purposes. 9

10 Requirements on input data
- analytical units: ESRI shapefile format /incl. shp, shx, dbf, prj files/ one polygon per each unit one shapefile for each hierarchical level of units - each unit has to have: unique ID unit name (which will be displayed in application) ID of parent unit (if exists) - indicators listed as attributes in attribute table 10

11 Remaining issues to be specified
definition of analytical units /hieararchies?/ final definition of indicators, themes and analytical units (matrix) application design (ESPON logo, picture, colors …) 11

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